


13 year(s) ago

SO. Interesting topic here, pretty personal which is weird for me, so bear with me. I was just wondering what your guys' opinion on asexuality is? I know among some circles it's not really considered a real thing, and a (very) few hyper-conservative Christian circles look at it is a sin (a la if you can be fruitful and multiply, you must be fruitful and multiply sort of thing) and that people who claim asexuality just haven't met "the one" or it's just a phase. And also, practicality-wise, if an asexual should just avoid relationships altogether, only date other asexuals, or whether they should date/marry whomever they want regardless of whether or not they're asexual? And if they marry someone who isn't an asexual, should they have to have sex with their spouse even though they don't want to? I ask because I think I am asexual. (not aromantic, despite what my disposition may lead some to believe :P) I have literally no sexual/physical attraction to anyone, nor have I ever had such, and it actually kind of...repulses me is too strong of a term but I can't think of another one that fits right now. Don't get me wrong, I can agree certain people are attractive people, but I'm not attracted [i]to[/i] them physically on any level. And it's sort of a weird realization/thought to come to, because I'm not sure how I would know whether I really am or not, aside for waiting years and years and being like "Yep, still nothing". But I think at 20 I should probably have a decent grasp of my sexual orientation, right? Of course I've never been in a relationship, so maybe I just have no experience dating someone and that's why I think I'm asexual, but I have zero desire to be in one aside from for companionship, which I could probably achieve/fulfill simply through finding a very close friend. And if I am, it's weird thinking about the unusual struggles that would come with that, because like I said, I'm still romantically attracted to people, but it's not like there's a lot of people out there willing to have a completely romantic non-sexual relationship/possibly marriage. Long post is long. Sorry.


13 year(s) ago

Yes I think it's real. I'mma take a raincheck on the rest cos the library is closing, but just wanted you to know I'm not ignoring you and I don't think it's a dumb question.

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