


16 year(s) ago

There was a rumor going around school that there was this guy that caught a cat, buried it up to it's neck, and ran over it. They acted like it was the coolest thing ever. I don't understand it. What is there to gain from hurting a poor helpless creature. All it proves is that the person is a coward. What compelled the idiot to do that? Please don't give me that humanity is evil stuff. I know that. That's why I'm upset. What keeps us from doing things like that? What will stop us from turning out that way? A little insight (and a hug) would be appreciated right now.:(


16 year(s) ago

*hugs* I don't think the really did that, little liers! Just tell that person "That was right to kill that helpless creater"! Think about it, what cat would let someone do that? Once in 4th grade, a baby big, just hached, and it got hong on our schools fence, we didn't save it in time, T.T, we had a bareal sevice and stuff, it was sad T.T! BTTS (back to the suject) just tell him/her what you think and when you hear people talk about it, tell them the same thing, thats what I would do, but I still don't beleive them! *hugs again* hope I helped :cute:

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