
Red Review


13 year(s) ago

[IMG]http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae242/jason28841/REDposter.jpg[/IMG] I started watching this on Sunday at my cousin's house, and his dad so happens to have a bootleg copy of this movie. It is illegal, but we still got a chance to watch this film. It starts off with Bruce Willis, who is living all on his own as a retired CIA agent, calling his friend on the phone almost everyday, just so he wouldn't feel so lonely. But all of a sudden, the vice president starts to send in troops to kill the retired CIA agents who were part of a secret mission in Guatemala, just so he can eliminate those who have prior knowledge of the cover-up. So Bruce Willis gathers 5 of the retired agents to help him out, and the cast in this movie couldn't be more perfect. Morgan Freeman, John Malkolvich, Matt-Louis Parker and Helen Mirren. But the one who steels the show is John Malkolvich. His character is crazy, but yet so hilarious. He grabs a stuffed toy pig with him, making us wonder why on earth he would do that. Seriously, who walks around with a stuffed toy pig with them? Well, he so happens to have a grenade launcher in it. But overall, the action is great, and the comedy is great too. I had no idea that DC Comics actually made this film, till after I started watching this movie. Who knew that DC can actually make a comedy that turned out to be a classic? The other thing that I love about this film was how creative the premise was. The idea of using retired people and making an explosive comedy actually worked. Most of the time, this would never turn out to be a good movie. Whoever was the director of this movie, probably made a lot of risks to make this movie, regardless of how many people would find this stupid. The movie is really great. It wouldn't hurt to show it to the kids, even though they won't understand most of the government stuff that happens or the blood that mostly shows up in a few scenes (which aren't that bad) or the few cuss words that they say in the movie, and it is well worth buying it for your DVD library. 4/5


13 year(s) ago

At the risk of self-promotion, I also offer you my review of Red: http://theraptorpack.wordpress.com/2010/10/19/red/


13 year(s) ago

I gave it more than 2 and a half points because these people made me love this kind of movie. The reason for why I say that is because I'm not into these type of movies. The action was spot on, the originality that I saw in this one was great, and I really want this on Blu-ray. I can tell that these people had a lot of fun making this movie, and I had a lot of fun watching this one too.

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