
Relationship Question


16 year(s) ago

Ok , this is a generic question guys, so dont tell me that Im too young to be thinking about a girlfriend (I feel bad for those 13 and 14 yr olds who come in here and ask a naive question and then get blown away by all the maturity :laugh: ) But yea, Is it bad to have Non Christian Girlfriends?


16 year(s) ago

Care to expand?????


16 year(s) ago

Thanks Perry and Josh, but what abt Catholics....?


16 year(s) ago

well that a hard one for they believe just are miss lead by their leadership.


16 year(s) ago

we the unyoke is about none believers and believers getting together, the jew believe some of the thing we do, that means they are in the light so in a way the are believer just hiding from the truth.


16 year(s) ago

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. You all helped, in some way, shape or form :lol: . Oh the grammar! Lol


16 year(s) ago

One bad apple can ruin the bunch.


16 year(s) ago

[b]Bblade272 wrote:[/b] [quote]One bad apple can ruin the bunch.[/quote] Care to expand?


16 year(s) ago

LOL funny Brandon.... I'm not sure about that actually....

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