
Right Relationships, part 4


16 year(s) ago

Let me go on here with the introduction from In Search of Excellence. It says: “The customer reigns supreme. The question would be, “how do you get your company and how do you get the employee to have the customer reign supreme?” They say the answer right on page five of their book. They say: “For us, the very important message of the research that these actions spawned and a theme that we shall turn to continually in the book is that ‘attention to employees’ not work conditions per se that has the dominant impact on productivity.” Once again, why were the companies successful? It was because the companies treated the customer right. Why were the customers treated right? It was because the company treated the employee right, so the employee was blessed and was happy and was excited about working for the company, so they treated the customer right. G-d treats us right. Messiah Yeshua treats us right. I know I have received revelation when I have been wrong. I know the L-rd has worked with me when I have been wrong. Like I said, if I based my liking or not liking people on them being like me, then 10 years ago I would not have liked myself. The L-rd makes the sun shine on the just and unjust alike. G-d (management) loves us. Now we are the employees, and it is up to us then to get so excited about G-d’s love, G-d’s forgiveness, and G-d’s compassion that we love others. Let’s look at Luke. [b]Luke 18:9-12 - "Also, to some who were relying on their own righteousness and looking down on everyone else, he told this parable: "Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Parush and the other a tax-collector. The Parush stood and prayed to himself, `O G-d! I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity -- greedy, dishonest, immoral, or like this tax-collector! I fast twice a week, I pay tithes on my entire income”[/b] This man means, I know what is right, and I actually do it. [b]Luke 18:13 and 14 - ”But the tax-collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes toward heaven, but beat his breast and said, `G-d! Have mercy on me, sinner that I am!' I tell you, this man went down to his home right with G-d rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted."[/b] Do you know what I see in this parable? I see a man whose doctrine separates him from others. Do I believe that the Pharisee fasted twice a week? I sure do. Do you think that he actually gave a tenth of what he got? Sure, he tithed. What is interesting is that the Pharisee stood up. Is he working hard to be approved unto G-d? Absolutely. What you and I do for G-d does matter. It blesses G-d that I study the His Word. G-d called us all to belike His Son. I had better study. It is not a matter of the Pharisee not needing to fast or not needing to tithe. He did. It is not a matter of then saying that I do not need to do what is right. We do need to do what is right, and we do need to hold the truth. But look how the Pharisee used it against somebody instead of saying, “I have a lot to teach." People are valuable. People are G-d’s creation. This guy over here; he needs G-d’s help. I am going to go over there and bless him. He is valuable. The world is beating him up; I am going to go over there and get the Devil off his back. I am going to help him.” If it turns out that the tax collector (sinner) does not believe exactly like the Pharisee, it is okay. We love each other where we are. Instead, the truth the Pharisee knew only put distance between the two people. Let me repeat where I started from. What I discovered about myself and what I see in others is sometimes the truth that I hold rather than being an engine that produces loving relationships, actually drives me from loving relationships. It keeps me at arms length from one another. I do not read the KJV of Scripture anymore. In it you can read: [b]2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) - “Study to show thyself approved unto G-d.”[/b] Well, I was all over that. Hey, I am a good student. Can I study? You bet I can study. “[b]Study to show thyself approved unto G-d[/b].” I am all over that. I am totally there. I look at people who are academically challenged because it is not their ministry. Their ministry is in ministries of mercy, ministries of compassion, ministries of art, or ministries of music. Maybe they are not as good at studying. Heaven forbid I should actually think they were not called to study all the time like I am. See, if I had a paradigm in my mind that study is the way to be approved unto G-d then it is real simple; and furthermore, it makes it real easy for me to critique other people. I can see whether they are studying or not and decide whether they are approved unto G-d. I did just that! I am glad that I moved on from there, but I lived in this paradigm of “study to show thyself approved…” Therefore, whether you were approved unto G-d or not had to do with how much you knew and whether your doctrine was right. The NIV reads: [b]2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV) - "Do your best to present yourself to G-d as one approved."[/b] The Complete Jewish Bible says [b]2 Timothy 2:15 - "Do all you can to present yourself to G-d as someone worthy of his approval”[/b] Wow! That is totally different than “study.” You see, the Greek word “spudoso” does not mean “study.” It means “to apply a diligent effort.” You could say, “Make a diligent effort to present yourself approved unto G-d.” Why does the King James Version say the word study? It says that because in 1611 when only 10% of the population could read you studied by being a disciple. A silver smith in 1611 did not become a silver smith by reading books. They “studied,” that is to say that they apprenticed with a silver smith. He would have them first build the right kind of fire. They might spend a year learning how to build it right. Then, they learn to melt the silver to the right temperature. A period of study occurred that might have gone on for years. Today, sometimes we call that understudy. In 1611, it is very important that you understand that at that time “study” did not mean “read.” It meant to understudy and make a diligent effort when you understudy the person. The translation here of “do your best or make a diligent effort to present yourself to one as G-d approved,” is what G-d is looking for us to do. In Revelation, it talks about wanting us hot or cold; He does not want us lukewarm. He wants us to make a diligent effort. I am going to assert that in my life, I have met many people who do not believe like I do, but they are making a very diligent effort to be approved unto G-d. They get up in the morning; they pray. They do daily devotionals; they keep a journal. They witness; they go to church faithfully. They do what they have been taught to do. I know and have known so many people who make a diligent effort based on what they have been taught. Maybe some truths are there that might help them and might set them free in some areas, but they are not going to care that I know them until they know that I care. This old saying became old because it is true. They do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. It is very important that we care for people and that people get that we care for them. They need to understand that we care for them. [b]John 13:35 - “Everyone will know that you are my talmidim by the fact that you have love for each other."[/b] We need to love one another. We need to show compassion for one another. Let me assert this to you. How will you know whether you are loving one another or not? How will you know whether you are truly showing compassion? How many people want to be around you? You have been with people who really love you, and you felt loved. Remember - [b]“They will know you by your love for each other.”[/b]

Post edited by: barry, at: 2007/11/28 12:53

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