
satan is the one that is divided


17 year(s) ago

When a person comes to the understanding that Yeshua is the Son of G-d. The very G-d of Israel. That He laid down His life in order to bring us into fellowship with that G-d. That you need to accept Him as Messiah and be born anew in Him. There is nothing that G-d can say, has said or will say that that person will not do, in love. Then that person goes to meet other believers. They are indoctrinated into the belief system of what ever building they happened to walk into or that their family attended. They soon learn that G-d has made Jews and Gentiles different. That only a quarter of His written Word is for them to live by while the other seventy five percent is for the people G-d has separated from them. Them being Jewish and without hope in the eyes of this belief system. That percent of the book just describes a pitiful people. One who could not live by His Word. It serves as an object lesson only. That person then decides in their heart that they to will reject this book called Torah by these disposed of people. Once, they where happy to do all that this G-d commanded, full of joy and eager to please the one who freely offered salvation. He gave Life them from the dead. But now, fully convinced by an unbelieving community. They make a tragic decision. A decision to reject that very Word that produced life. You see, the Son is the Word manifest in the flesh. Torah was made alive by this G-d. The one whom they so joyously received, they now reject. They now, are the ones without hope. Weeping with gnashing teeth, they will realize that when this Glorious Son died, he did not remain dead. They had been taught that with his death he caused this Word to parish. They never understood that a divided house will not stand. That He can not divide himself, nor would. He is one in mind and spirit, He is alive and will reign forever. This that they thought was not for them is for all the children of G-d. It is joy, it is Peace, it is Hope, it is Love, it is a blessing for the one who guards it. [b]There is one Torah and one Judgment for the Jew and Gentile alike.[/b]


17 year(s) ago


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