
sex before marriage?


12 year(s) ago

Well its preached by most Christians, and it makes sense. But where in the Bible does it speak of waiting until marriage? The Bible says a lot about staying pure, but does it specifically say before marriage? Don't take this the wrong way, if you can't come up with a verse I'm not going to go have sex. I think keeping it for marriage is the smartest thing to do. I'm just curious about what the Bible has to say about it.


12 year(s) ago

It's fornication. The Bible specifically says fornication is a sin. From dictionary.com - voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other. Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,


12 year(s) ago

That's the verse I needed! Thanks Ken


12 year(s) ago

[b]Son_Of_Fire wrote:[/b] [quote]It's fornication. The Bible specifically says fornication is a sin. From dictionary.com - voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other. Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,[/quote] Of course, what the Bible doesn't mention is that "fornication" comes from the King James Bible, and more specifically from the Latin Vulgate's "fornicatio" which means "performed in the archway," archways historically being venues for soliciting prostitution. Why do so many Christians feel the need to butcher the meaning of the Bible by using 21st century dictionaries to interpret words that originate from politicized 17th century translations? The prohibition of fornication is a prohibition against the solicitation of prostitutes. Try again. [quote]oh please lets just go by what the society has decided. There's no reason to complicate that. but if you really want to then go a head...[/quote] Isn't it funny that whenever people decry living in accord with society they don't ever really mean that Christians should truly be set apart, but rather they should merely ascribe to a limited set of cultural mores and all else is fair game? Premarital sex? Swearing? Terrible things. We're to be set apart from this world. Not act like them. Electricity? Motor vehicles? The gross and one-sided usurpation of the world's natural resources for the benefit of Western society's consumerist greed to detriment of millions of others? Totally cool. No need to change a thing. Dante


12 year(s) ago

Dante you take things WAY out of proportion


12 year(s) ago

[b]whiteboy93 wrote:[/b] [quote]Dante you take things WAY out of proportion[/quote] On the contrary, it is the Western world which takes things out of proportion. A point you seemed to have missed. Dante


12 year(s) ago

For anyone interested in an indepth word study on fornication, I found [url=http://christiansexualethics.wordpress.com/2010/01/23/fornication-what-is-fornication-and-why-is-it-wrong/]this[/url] after some googling. I had never heard what Dante said about the history of fornication, but it certainly provides a different perspective.


12 year(s) ago

[b]Beloved, awake! Awake out of your sleep! Be shaken out of your slumber! Arise and serve your God!... Repent and receive of Me, even of The Holy One, whom you call Christ. Stop stifling My Spirit! Stop persecuting all those I send to you in My own name!... Ears open, My people! The time has come! Lo, it is here! [/b] Look! Your nation destroys the innocent on every side! Fornications and abominations fill the streets! These things are not hidden!... My people, what has happened to your hearts?! You are all as dead corpses!... AWAKE AND LIVE! Says The Lord of Hosts. Cast off all these riches and sell everything you have built up with MY money, and give it to the poor and the needy. Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked. Embrace the fatherless and the widow, shelter the stranger and the homeless, tend to the sick and visit those in prison... Execute true judgment! Stop judging amongst yourselves, of yourselves, according to your own corrupt knowledge!... Perceive rightly and be stirred up! Churches of men, why has anger not come up into your faces?! Where is your outrage?! Can you not see?!... Look! They are murdering My innocent! They destroy and tear My most precious gifts to men and women, without ceasing!... Where are your tears?! I hear no wailing at all!... CALAMITY! TRAVESTY!... Abominations swell! Sodom and Gomorrah are revived and thrive before your faces! Beloved, sin and violence spread forth in every direction, overflowing your nation as a flood! Sons and daughters of men within the churches, what has happened to you?! Do you even know My name?! You have forgotten Me and hide your faces! You stop your ears from hearing!... I no longer know you! For whatsoever you do or do not, to the least of these, most assuredly I say to you, YOU HAVE DONE IT TO ME! Says The Lord, your Redeemer. Therefore, stand up and pay attention, lest I destroy you as I destroyed Sodom and overthrew Gomorrah!... Behold! The riches of men shall be taken from them in a day, and recompense in full shall be dealt to your nation! And not one of your temples shall stand!... All shall be torn down! All shall be brought down!... And though you had set it on a tall mountain, in the midst of high walls, thick walls built of strong and tempered mortar, it shall be shaken to dust, it shall be thrown down!... Left utterly desolate. You shall surely be left naked, stripped of all your clothes... Then I shall remember you... And you shall establish your trust in The Beloved, once again; And you shall keep your life, for Love has saved you... And you shall escape, but as one escaping through the flames. I am The Lord. http://preview.tinyurl.com/d2f2ecu


12 year(s) ago

That didn't contribute to the question about what fornication is... It also stretched the page very annoyingly... If there is a problem with fornication and you are called to speak on it, it helps to clarify...


11 year(s) ago

So according to what Christians interpret fornication to be, a couple lives in sin when they make a genuine heartfelt commitment to each other, feel no need to "prove" their love, faith, trust, and commitment to each other by materialistic documents and religious rituals? Do I have that about right?

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