
Site design...


15 year(s) ago

Hello. I like the site and found some interesting music, so thanks. A couple of things... 1) I don't like all the blatant advertising on the site. It seems to be in stark contrast with the whole Christian thing. I understand that sites such as this need revenue to keep going, but it just seems to be giving in to our materialistic world that promises satisfaction through buying or bidding for things. 2) All the technology is there but the site could do with a bit of a design overhaul. Just keeping colour schemes consistent - e.g between front page and forum. The white on red and yellow on the front page is pretty hard on the eyes too. Anywayz, I look forward to hearing some more tunes... Heaps of Peace TyTe


15 year(s) ago

Yeah...design could definitely use a facelift, but considering it's pretty much single-handedly run by Joshua Holmes and Matt Gaiser (who both have other jobs), I doubt we'll see many updates any time soon. And they don't get enough revenue from the ads to make ends meet, so I doubt they'll be dropped any time soon.


15 year(s) ago

Perhaps they could open it up? I ran a community music site for several years and had a whole team of volunteers - graphic designers, moderators, etc. I managed to cover costs through selling a bit of merchandise and avoided ads. Just a thought. :)


15 year(s) ago

I like your thinking. :)


15 year(s) ago

Nathan has a design for mypraize. :-P

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