
Stop trying to figure out God\'s will...just do it!


17 year(s) ago

Why do people always make God's will so complicated. Barry has said numerous time on this site that Scriputre is simple. While I do not completely buy into the concept that any 10 year old can read Scripture, and we are to read it with a simplistic mind, and whatever we think it means, then that is what it means... I do not think that is what Barry means either. However, we do tend to get hung up on a few main topics, and God's will is one of them. Many times the Disciples were confused, and misunderstood what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ meant when He discipled them.. yet He allowed them to figure it out on many occations. How could they walk with Him, and talk with Him, and still be confused at what He said, or better yet... How could they have no comprehension? Yes, we need to be responsible, and not "flippant" in our study of His Word, but we do not always need to try and "split hairs" about every single line of Scripture. John 4:34 34 Jesus said to them, "[i]My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.” [/i]– NASB The context of this Scripture verse is something that is interesting to me, because when we, as Christians, read this, we tend to have a better understanding of what He is saying than did His disciples who were walking with Him. It is amazing that the context to us seems simple, when men that were walking with Him did not understand. In this passage, Christ is talking about “Spiritual food.” He is not talking about eating literal meat. He is talking about Spiritual maturity, and the substance, and purpose of life, and explicitly His life. Some questions that arise when I read this are: • What is this “food” He is talking about? • Who sent Him? • If God sent Him, and He is completing His Father’s work, is it finished? • Why did God leave His work unfinished? • What is the “work” He is doing? Jesus is telling the disciples that His purpose is to do the Father’s will. God the Father has sent Him, and Jesus is finishing His work. Jesus is conveying His purpose, as the Son of God coming to earth, is to complete the Father’s plan, and to follow His will. If we are to be like Christ, and fulfill our purpose in life, then this is our responsibility as well. In being like Christ, it does not mean that we go to wells, and wait for women to talk to. We are to do the Father’s will. That is our purpose. When we walk in this purpose, then we are given great rewards, and we take part in the harvest. Christ mentioned again in John 9:4 that He has come to do the “works of Him that sent me.” We see here again that He is telling us that He is here doing the Father’s will, not His own. He is here on earth in obedience to God the Father. We know that in John 17:4 Jesus says, “I have glorified thee on earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” KJV This is confirmation that Jesus completed His purpose, and that He did the Father’s will. We struggle, worry, pray, read large volumes of books, and try earnestly to figure out what God’s will is for our lives. We do all of this, and we want to do His will so that we can have relationship with Him. When in reality, His will is already established, and Jesus lived the perfect example of what the Father’s will is. If we really must know exactly what God’s will is for us, we need only to read Scripture. His will is for us to be like Jesus Christ. It really is that simple. We try to make it complicated, and a long drawn out process. B) -Matt

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