


17 year(s) ago

I just bought a book called Showdown by TED DEKkER and I was wondering if anyone else has read this book. Heres the summary Summary: Welcome to Paridise When a stranger named Marsuvees Black apears in Paridise, he brings with him a message of hope and love. Or is it death and hate? Perhaps neither-- perhaps both. He seems to know to much about the town's many unspoken secrets, and he himself holds the greatest secret of them all. As black clouds and sandstorms envelop the town, no one can get in or out. And it quickly becomes apparent that Paradise is being isolated for a reason. But Why


17 year(s) ago

Srry I didn't see that there was anyother ted dekker threads


17 year(s) ago

Showdown was a great book. Have you read the circle trilogy? If so, look up a group I made, the Forest Guard.


16 year(s) ago

Ted Dekker has to be my favorite christian author. And as for the circle trilogy - I just read "White" for the second time. The analogies in that book are amazing. Have you read Saint yet? I don't think that was one of his better ones. Other favorites - Blink and Blessed Child. Also fairly recently, I read one co-written with Frank Peretti called House. That book scared the death out of me, but I knew it would. Frank Peretti's one of the best when it comes to Christian Horror books.

Post edited by: Fife, at: 2007/09/05 06:21

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