
Test Yourself


16 year(s) ago

[b]2 Corinthians 13:5 - "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Yeshua Messiah is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?[/b] How will you pass? Do you live like He did? Do you follow Torah like he did? Or do you explain it away? "In the Faith" means you try to live how HaShem said too because you believe every word that He spoke. Never forget this test when Paul wrote it only consisted of the first part of the book. You got faith or excuses? I believe G-d and every word out of His Blessed mouth means something to me. He saved me. Ill do anything he says. I'll make every effort to be found without blemish. I'll do what the teachers of the Law did and more. That is what He did and I want to be just like Him. To be "Christ like" means you act "like Christ."

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