
The $18 Million Website


15 year(s) ago

Recovery.gov The whole recovery.gov site is cool and all, with the artificial "transparency" and whatnot, but really, $18 million just to redesign a site? Hurray for the government wasting OUR money! http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=8043365&page=1 [quote]The government has awarded the contract for the Web site work to Smartronix, Inc., a firm in Maryland. According to the Recovery Board, the contract "is initially valued at $9,516,324 through January 2010. If all options are exercised through January 2014, the total task order will be valued at $17,948,518." Jennings of OMB Watch still had his doubts. "OMB Watch built a site called FedSpending.org, which does basically the same thing," he said. "We said we'll license it for $600,000."[/quote]

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