
The Answers Topic


18 year(s) ago

I have decided to succinctly answer all the questions on the first page of this forum so we can put them to rest. Here goes. Q: What is the big deal? A; Just a mispronunciation of the "the big dill" which is, in fact, a large pickle. Q: what dou think of the rapture A: I think it's pretty neat. Q: Can a Christian be Demon-Possessed? A: Probably not. Q: Is Disney Evil? A: Yes, but there's nothing wrong with watching their animated movies. Q: Where did evil come from? A: Canada. Q: Reformers??? HERE?? A: Yep. Q: Do you believe miracles ? A: I do. Q: I feel God put this into my heart. (not technically a question) A: If it's blood you're talking about, then yes He did. Q: is teenage pregnancy wrong? A: Not for married teens. Q: Do Angels Have a Free Will? A: Apparently, or at least they did. Will we have free will in heaven? (the ol' answer with a question bit) Q: Gay or Straight A: Straight. Q: does True Love Wait? A: Definitely. It also stops at railroad crossings.


18 year(s) ago

[b]Can I play too[/b] Q: What is the big deal? A; God,love and eternal joy. Q: what dou think of the rapture A:A doctrine invented by an evangelist preacher in the 19th century,no such word in the bible. Q: Can a Christian be Demon-Possessed? A: could happen Q: Is Disney Evil? A: Not entirely. Q: Where did evil come from? A: Somewhere this side of the rainbow Q: Reformers??? HERE?? A: not sure Q: Do you believe miracles ? A: I do. Q: I feel God put this into my heart. (not technically a question) A: Holy Spirit Q: is teenage pregnancy wrong? A: Not for married teens. Q: Do Angels Have a Free Will? A: Apparently, or at least they did. Q: Gay or Straight A: I prefer the terms homosexual or heterosexual Q: does True Love Wait? A: I use to be a waiter,tips were good


18 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]Q: is teenage pregnancy wrong? A: Not for married teens. Q: does True Love Wait? A: Definitely. It also stops at railroad crossings.[/quote] ROFL!!!! awesome, pure genius!! AMEN to teenage marriage! (I may sound crazy about it. not saying all teens MUST GET MARRIED NOW!!! But for young adults who know they want to be with someone who has a strong faith in God that He will make things work when things go wrong is amazing and shouldn't be held back by our government).


18 year(s) ago

[quote]But for young adults who know they want to be with someone who has a strong faith in God that He will make things work when things go wrong is amazing and shouldn't be held back by our government).[/quote] Teen marriage is held back by our government? From what I understand, you can be married before you are eighteen with your parents' permission (simply for maturity reasons, obviously). Also, if they do (which is seems that is the case, at least in your eyes lol), then God still says to obey the law of our government, as long as it isn't contradicting God's Law.


17 year(s) ago

BrotherReed, this thread needs to be updated. You are slacking.


17 year(s) ago

Did you say Mister Nathan needs to be uppercutted, he is backtalking? I quite agree.


17 year(s) ago

Q: Abortion...what do you think A: I think it sucks - kind of like trying to ask questions without question marks Q: Bible translations A: I'm glad we have them. So much easier than learning Greek and Hebrew. Q: curiosoty is killing the cat A: CURIOSITY! HERE BOY! Bad dog, Curisoity. Q: What do you all think about Gangs. A: Everyone needs friends. Just not violent, law-breaking friends. Q: Eating God's animals! A: This never gets old. Don't let them get cold. Q: prove to me A: E=mc2 Q: What's the difference.... ? A: I don't have a Mercedes in my garage. Q: Please, for all that's righteous, Help me! A: Okay, but only for ALL that's righteous. Q: Question A: Answer Q: Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin? A: Cliche, isn't it? Yet still true. There ya go.


17 year(s) ago

Q: Risk is a sin... A: But even God plays Monopoly Q: Salvation w/o knowledge A: These things were written so that you may KNOW Q: RAPTURE - 1 TIME ONLY EVENT AFTER THE TRIBULATION A: I'll be there. Q: who killed jesus?? A: In a way, we did (He died to redeem us). In a way, God did (for God was pleased to crush Him, etc.) In a way, the Jews did (gave Him up and requested His execution). In a way, the Romans did (performed the actual act). In a way, He Himself did (I lay My life down, no one takes it from me). So as you can see, there is a shared responsibility. Hey look! A serious answer! Q: diduknow A: notelme Q: Does god have free will? A: Yes. Q: Paul did NOT think Christ was coming in his day A: O RLY? Q: (one of) The Atheists' (many) Problem(s) A: Un(not)neces(s)ary paren(the)tical (remarks)(?) Q: JESUS IS COMING AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT? A: YES BUT HE WON'T STEAL YOUR PLAYSTATION 3 Q: WHY DID JESUS SPEAK IN PARABLES?! A: IT WAS EASIER THAN SHOUTING!!! And so that no one would understand what He was saying unless He wanted them to. Q: Mean God vs. Nice God A: My money's on Mean God - at least I wouldn't want to fight Him

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