
The \"D\'s\" of Genesis


13 year(s) ago

The Deception Genesis 3:1-5 Satan comes to deceive the world. He tempts mankind, and presents Himself as being good, and righteous. The Disobedience Genesis 3:6-8 Man ultimately will fail at some point. When we reject His law, and do our own thing, we fall into disobedience. The Disappointment Genesis 3:9-13 God is hurt, and disappointed by our disobedience. It is out of love, and grace that He allows us to continue on, and it is our relationship with Him that is harmed. The Decision Genesis 3:14-19 God must punish disobedience. He is swift, and just. His judgment is always righteous. Yet, sometimes very painful. God is merciful, and gives much grace. It is because of His Grace and love for us that we are allowed to live. It is because of His grace, and love that we are justified to be in relationship with Him. It is because of His love and Grace that we are allowed to call Him our Father.

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