
The Giver by Lois Lowry


17 year(s) ago

hey has any1 every read the giver by lois lowry? i read about half of it last yr. in school but did not get to finish it with the class b/c i went on a week long field trip to D.C. and the class finished while i was on the field trip. but i have to do a bk. report in english this yr. so i am doing it on the giver. i went and bought the book this afternoon and just got done with it now. it took me from about 2:00 till 8:30 to read it but that is not reading continuosly (sp?). any way has any1 else ever read it and what r ur thoughts about it. it made me want to throw0up when they said how ppl got released...it was so sad b/c they make it seem like it wasn't a bad thing...that they just went Elsewhere, like they say!!! wow... if u have not read this bk u should it is very good although it is sad. and if u have ato do a bk. report it is a classic. (my English teacher will only let us do our bk. reports on classics :( ) God Bless you p.s. any1 can add me to their buddy list! p.p.s. u should really read this book!!! it is soooooo good!!!!


17 year(s) ago

i just finnished reading the Giver in class. it is the best yet worst book because you love it but then you hate it cuz of all the cliffhangers and the ending. but for class we got to write our own Giver endings, lol it was FUN, mine was really awesome (anyone wanna read it msg me). yeah i heard a movie was coming out in a while... p.s. what does p.s. mean?? lol


17 year(s) ago

Mixed feelings. i liked the fact that there weren't any pressures of our life like love or job occupations. But i dn't like that they ended a life, or that they escaped the "living" part of the life. I didn't like the ending either, did they escape or die or what?

Post edited by: FMClarkKent, at: 2007/03/13 16:23


17 year(s) ago

[b]FMClarkKent wrote:[/b] [quote]Mixed feelings. i liked the fact that there weren't any pressures of our life like love or job occupations. But i dn't like that they ended a life, or that they escaped the "living" part of the life. I didn't like the ending either, did they escape or die or what?<br><br>Post edited by: FMClarkKent, at: 2007/03/13 16:23[/quote] i think after they got out of their community they actually found life. real life kinda like it is today! but idk. i wish the book were longer n i told what happened to jonas n the giver n all the other ppl...lol idk!


17 year(s) ago

i loved the Giver. read it in lit. group a few years back. never read the sequel (sadly) and i'm not aware of my school library having it.


17 year(s) ago

i read the giver this school year and i thought that it was really good, but it is sad as well


17 year(s) ago

i have read pretty much ALL of her books! i read one then couldn't stop

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