
The Trinity Is True According To The Bible


10 year(s) ago

Even though the word "Trinity" is not used in the Bible, the concept is repeatedly shown to be true in the Bible. In Genesis 1 God says, "Let us make man in our image." Both the plural pronouns "us" and "our" point to the truth of the Trinity. In addition, Jesus said to the Pharisees of his day, "Before Abraham was, I am." The words "I am" are one of the names of God in the Old Testament and by this the Pharisees knew Jesus was claiming to be God and part of the Trinity. For this they almost stoned Jesus to death. Lastly, after Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the disciples a second time, Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God." A clearer declaration of Jesus divinity as God could not be made.

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