


15 year(s) ago

Been thinkin' lately... How come if I oppose Sotomayor, I get accused of being a rascist? "Sotomayor is the best judge nominated for the Supreme Court in the last 100 years"--Senator Franken ('nuff said.) How come supporting Bill Oreilly results in me being labeled as a far right extremist? How come Democrats so brutally attack people from the right, then get all over anyone who attacks them? How come the government searches for loopholes in the Constitution so they can pass their loony laws? Obviously those loopholes weren't intended to be there, that's why they are called loopholes. How come pro-abortion Catholics are still receiving communion, such as Pelosi? Bah. I'll come up with more later. Our government doesn't work as it was supposed to anymore.


15 year(s) ago

I don't know so much about her, but the one thing that makes me avoid her is her being a member of the Belizian Grove.

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