
Update! (:


13 year(s) ago

So it's been forever since I last got on here and a lot has happened! 1) I would like to say that on September 3, 2010 I went to YQL and I recommitted my life to Christ! And since then I've been growing closer to God and I'm loving every second of it! 2) I'm single and loving it...kinda. I like this guy at my church and the best part is he's one of my best friends! he's a very godly guy and you can tell he loves Jesus(that's my fave part about him!)he's really sweet and he's an amazing friend. 3) I'm gonna be an aunt soon! I'm so excited! my half sister Kim is pregnant and her baby is due Nov 6. :D I can't wait!!! Now for the rest of my life! I'm doin ok in school...I've got good grades(a C or higher in all classes!) I might be getting a job at Chik-fil-a! I just have to get a waiver filled out saying I can work during the day! I'm in a play at my church for the elementary kids, it's about Lottie Moon. I play Lottie at age 14 and 18 it's a ton of fun! lol I get to stand on a ladder with a sheet over my head! (: I still spend every weekend with my "sister"(CMMPTF) I love her and her family! they are a great christian family and they help me and give me advice about my spiritual life. I'm slowly saving up for a Canon EOS rebel XSi camera! http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/slr_cameras/eos_rebel_xsi_ef_s_18_55is_kit#DriversAndSoftware It's gonna be a while before I get it lol! Well that about sums up what's been going on in my life! If you wanna talk message me! and I'll gladly answer any questions! And I wanna hear about how y'alls lives have been!


13 year(s) ago

Sounds like you've been busy and are having a great time!

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)