
Well, Crap.


15 year(s) ago

I got two reports under my army tab this morning. battle10.evony.com/default.html?logfile/bc/38/2b/0b/bc382b0b12adcb5539afe7f23267a308.xml and battle10.evony.com/default.html?logfile/82/1f/54/cf/821f54cffa98465e547aeca55cc3083d.xml What in the world does this mean? If I am being attacked, someone needs to help me. Srsly. I am so confused right now...


15 year(s) ago

My Coords: (547,749) Their Coords: (546, 741) Their Name: Drax

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)