
What are your favorite Ted Dekker books?


17 year(s) ago

Why are they your favorite. What do you like about them?


17 year(s) ago

The only Ted Dekker book I've read was called "Marytyr's Song." (I probabaly spelled the title wrong, but oh well, huh? lol). What I liked about it was that it was suspensful and took place during WWII, which is one of my favorite time periods to learn about. I liked that it shared the Message and had action and other stuff in it. I haven't read it in a long time, so it's hard for me to add more details about it. Sorry!


17 year(s) ago

I just finished "The Circle" trilogy. It was really good. I also read Thr3e, which I thought was really good but a little weird. I can't wait to see what the movie is like.


17 year(s) ago

um.. all of them! :P


17 year(s) ago

I think Obsessed was pretty good


17 year(s) ago

[b]biblejunkie wrote:[/b] [quote]I just finished "The Circle" trilogy. It was really good. I also read Thr3e, which I thought was really good but a little weird. I can't wait to see what the movie is like.[/quote] there making a movie out of thr3e? Thats cool. That is the only book i've read from him, and i liked it, but i've heard that [u]White[/u], [u]Black[/u], and [u]Red[/u] are good books to.


17 year(s) ago

I really like Obsessed. Of course it is the only book of his I have read. But it is AWESOME!!!!!!!! I read half of Black though. I can't wait to finish it.:woohoo:


17 year(s) ago

*thinks* I'd have to say The Circle Trilogy, Thr3e, Showdown, Saint, Skin, House, and Obssessed. I love Ted's books and I can't wait for the House movie! :laugh:

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