
Which Party is the Most "Christ-like"?


17 year(s) ago

Now, I know this is probably going to get heated. And I know it's almost like asking which denomination is the most Christ-like, as there are so many variations and it deals with each persons beliefs, but, yeah. There are seriously like a billion parties. So, which one is the most Christian? Please exclude name-calling and hypocrites within parties. Hypocrisies are allowed, but no hypocrites. And when you defend/offend a party, state specifically the beliefs, 'cause core doctrine of a party tends to vary.


17 year(s) ago

Even though I am a bit biased against republicanism, I believe that every political faction is equal when they are in their untainted form.


17 year(s) ago

Um...many parties' core beliefs are contradictory. Granted, they may mean well, but this does not make them equal.


17 year(s) ago

Each party has a set of different ways they operate. A brilliant and benevolent dictator could, in my theory, work just as effieciently as a democracy where all citizens are active and truly caring for the country.


17 year(s) ago

Conservatism is really the most Christian, however it doesn't really exist in any political party anymore. It's also in line with the values at the core of Catholic, Mormon, orthodox Jewish, and possibly even Islamic faiths. Liberalism does have one Christian attribute: and that's it's caring, loving nature. Unfortunately that caring nature is born in aetheism and rejection. It seeks only to destroy what is big and protect what is small, it doesn't distinguish between right and wrong because those are conservative concepts. Anyway this topic could get pretty ugly, and it's way too broad since it will encompass almost every other topic that has and will come to this board. However the two parties in power now don't care about either liberalism or conservatism. They run for election, slander, and threaten the core issues, but in the end, they never really make a change. It's all about money and power. Seriously, how many times over could we have fed the continent of Africa with the money that was spent on the last U.S. presidential campaigns? How many foster homes and pro-life birth centers for unwanted pregnancies could have been built and run for decades? How much more reconstruction could we have brought to Iraq and Afghanistan? This thread hijacking brought to you by WeirdDNA.


17 year(s) ago

Okay, let me rephrase that, then (thanks WeirdDNA :P ). Which political -ism is the most Christ-like? Marxism, Nazism, Socialism, Communism, Liberalism, Conservatism...so many...which one?


17 year(s) ago

Okay.... I completely forgot about the nazi's. Then again I consider them more like the KKK or black panthers than a political party.


17 year(s) ago

[quote]Even though I am a bit biased against republicanism, I believe that every political faction is equal when they are in their untainted form.[/quote] Just because someone is well-meaning doesn't mean what they believe is right and Christ-like.


17 year(s) ago

Nazis were socialists. That's what the word means.


17 year(s) ago

Nazi's were socialists who attempted genocide in an attempt to create a master race. There is a pretty big difference.

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