
Who is Satan?


13 year(s) ago

In order to understand the question, “Who is Satan?� we must first have some basic foundational idea as to “Who is God?� We must first understand sovereignty, and you must accept the fact that God is The Sovereign King, eternal. We must have a good understanding of His sovereignty in order to begin to understand His Kingdom… The Kingdom of Heaven. If we try to understand Satan, without a grasp of God’s sovereignty then we begin to establish a “bad theology� of who Satan is, in relation to God. So let's converse a bit on this...


13 year(s) ago

Your post is kind of confusing. So...conceptually, in order to know about someone, you have to understand all other people that person is in a relationship? To put it in another perspective, a man on an island alone has no identity, because in order to discuss who someone is you have to be able to understand who that person relates with?


12 year(s) ago

Thus Says The Lord: "Satan, you are cast down!... Oh lucifer, persecute this people! Go forth and devour your prey! Call forth your servant, so he may stand up and speak... That he may open his mouth in great blasphemies against The God of Heaven, blaspheming My name and My tabernacle, speaking against all those who dwell in Heaven... Raging against The Holy Covenant. Call him forth, oh destroying angel!... YOUR TIME HAS COME!... Go to and fro, in all the earth, and gather together your people!... Hurry! Go now, and gather them together! For I declare the times, and I set the seasons! My face is set to punish and to consume!... IT IS TIME! Set up your troops in battle array! Bring forth all your mighty men! Set your generals in their places!... Give the command, all you evil men in authority!... Yes, band together and rule the nations! I release them to you, oh devouring cherub! And of My people... WEAR THEM OUT! And of My nation, yes, bring all your weapons against it! Call forth a huge army, a great multitude, an astonishing company!... Darken the land!... Come as a devouring swarm, declares The Lord!... COME FORTH!!!... COME OUT AND CONQUER MY NATION! COME, AND DESTROY MY ISRAEL!... If you are able, declares The Lord." http://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=I_Am_Risen_Up%2C_As_a_Mighty_and_Terrible_One


12 year(s) ago

[b]BeholdTheFinalAge wrote:[/b] [quote]Thus Says The Lord: "Satan, you are cast down!... Oh lucifer, persecute this people! Go forth and devour your prey! Call forth your servant, so he may stand up and speak... That he may open his mouth in great blasphemies against The God of Heaven, blaspheming My name and My tabernacle, speaking against all those who dwell in Heaven... Raging against The Holy Covenant. Call him forth, oh destroying angel!... YOUR TIME HAS COME!... Go to and fro, in all the earth, and gather together your people!... Hurry! Go now, and gather them together! For I declare the times, and I set the seasons! My face is set to punish and to consume!... IT IS TIME! Set up your troops in battle array! Bring forth all your mighty men! Set your generals in their places!... Give the command, all you evil men in authority!... Yes, band together and rule the nations! I release them to you, oh devouring cherub! And of My people... WEAR THEM OUT! And of My nation, yes, bring all your weapons against it! Call forth a huge army, a great multitude, an astonishing company!... Darken the land!... Come as a devouring swarm, declares The Lord!... COME FORTH!!!... COME OUT AND CONQUER MY NATION! COME, AND DESTROY MY ISRAEL!... If you are able, declares The Lord." http://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=I_Am_Risen_Up%2C_As_a_Mighty_and_Terrible_One[/quote] Dear Lord, why do you have time to post on Internet forums but not enough time to feed starving children in Africa? Also, all the GOP Presidential candidates said you called them to be President, are they all liars, or are you just as indecisive as Republican voters? Dante


12 year(s) ago

I honestly get disgusted with tirades like this, Dante. Some Christians are beginning to sound like haters. Mt 5 comes to mind about enemies. The tirades or haters don't do anything good for the Christians or the Christian reputation. I get very discouraged listen/reading to tirades like this. They blaze through the sky like chaff rockets in the wind (Psalm 1).

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