
Witnessing Lovingly


9 year(s) ago

Hello Fellow Believers, I am brand new to this site and blessed to be able to discuss with fellow Christians. I have been saved since early Childhood, but until recently my walk hasn't been as strong as it's needed to be. I have a calling to serve others and/or do missionary work, however am still in the learning process. Seeing all current events, nationally and worldwide, along with signs, am strongly believing that we are the generation witnessing the end events. We need to ALL be strong in our walk with Him and strong in prayer. Ready to wear the "Armor", and stand unwaiveringly FIRM in our Faith and all the bible tells us. However, keeping in mind that what we know as truth cannot and will not always be accepted by others and we must not be confrontational or "pushy". I had a recent accidental encounter with a man who, during the course of our conversation, divulged his firm beliefs and practices in Paganism/other and multiple (Baal) gods. He claimed his past Christian research and bible study had actually led him TO where he is now. That, plus the unfortunate past tactics put upon him by 'fire-and- brimstone "Christians". My own personal experiences with this type of Christian in the past has well taught me that that approach almost always leads people AWAY, rather than TO God. As I listened to him talk, I was praying hard for God to give me the right words to, perhaps, soften his heart. However, I felt a strong sense that any attempts I made in witnessing would not be received and could perhaps cause him anger - or worse. So I stood there and listened, finally simply inviting him to church. So having said ALL that, does anybody have some words of wisdom to offer me for such future encounters? I have never actually met a self-proclaimed Pagan before, but am sure that I will. What do I say the next time this happens? How to I witness to them in a way which will touch them rather than push them even further away? Or, should I even try? Please, if any of you - my fellow believers here on this forum, have some advice to offer me on this I will be eternally grateful. Yours in Christ, Nancy


9 year(s) ago

Hi Nancy! My name's Carol. I don't like giving advice to people. But the only thing I can think of is maybe just share your testimony with him. Explain what the Lord has done for you and how He has changed your life. Let him know that you are so excited over the Lord's working in your own life that you want to share it with everyone you know. I hope that helps a little bit. :)

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