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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/love-4-christ
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lindsey stratton
hey grl this is lyn well i wntd ta say hey and i love you but i am in class so i g2g love you :D
Andy Brubaker
I\'ll be praying for your safe travel, my friend.
lynnea gingrich
yea me too. i leave on Monday to go on a mission trip and will be gone for 2 weeks. so have fun what ever you are doing. well i have to go bye :D .
Andy Brubaker
Hey, that\'s fine, but I\'m glad you had fun and didn\'t get hurt too badly. Sad to say, I\'ll be leaving Tuesday and be gone for a week though. :(
lynnea gingrich
hey sry i did not write back i was at camp. it was fun but i got hurt. this one girl i was teaching T.K.D to hit me in the mouth and hurt me. i did not cry though. the guy i was working with got mad and made her say she was sry to me. but other than that i had fun we went to the movies. and went out to for pizza afterwards. well see you later bye. :D
Andy Brubaker
I will, once I\'m on my other computer, since this one has poor sound quality. I hope you have fun at camp with the little people! :) -Blue ?
lynnea gingrich
so do u listen to the song yet. if not your missing out. so i am going to camp.how fun lol. i have to work there with the little kids it is fun sometimes. well i will talk to you later bye :D
Andy Brubaker
Glad you had fun, and thanku for responding too! :) ttyl! -Blue ?
lynnea gingrich
i am really good. thank you for asking. i am really happy. the show went really good. :D no one got hurt. the guy i like came and one of my best friend came too. it was awesome. thank you for talking to me and writting back :D i will talk to you later bye :D
Andy Brubaker
I\'ll do that sooner or later...that performing sounds all cool. I\'m good. U?
lynnea gingrich
yea you should go to google and listen to it. they are really good :D. so how have you been. and you should try listening to Face Down by them. well i am listening to them right now. i like them. well i am in a show tomorrow. it is for T.K.D. it is a dinner and a show and i am in it. it starts at 5:30 and ends at 7:30pm. well talk to you later :D.
Andy Brubaker
Yeah that\'s understandable. I haven\'t heard of the song before. Sounds sweet though.
lynnea gingrich
hey thank you for adding me to your buddy list. so i am sry that you have to take care of Angel\'s babby it is not fair. so Jim talks a lot dose he. :D
lynnea gingrich
Hey sry I have not been on for a long time. I had alot of things to do. like school, hanging out with friends. so how is your life. hey do you know the song Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus it is really good I think. :D well Ihave to go bye
Andy Brubaker
Yeah, it has been awhile. I\'ve been busy with school. What\'s new with you? -Blue ?

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