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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/thatcrazygirl
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Taylor Lee
it was dark....
Taylor Lee
july 19 '07 003
Taylor Lee
Shannon Bearden
wow it sure has been a long time since i\'ve seen you on here. lol.
Taylor Lee
AAAH i\'love\'you\'muchos\'and\'i\'love\'my\'new\'ringtone\'lol\'and\'i\'miss\'you\'terribly\'already\'! :D
Shannon Bearden
Ahhhhh!!!! I miss you more than you miss me!!!!
kylie cochran
hey! nice name!! lozl! thtcrazygrl!! lolz!
Taylor Lee
[b] hey it\'s you! [/b] :D
Jeremy Zeleny
hey its u
Taylor Lee
yay shannon! you\'re tha coolest! we\'re on at the same time! woot!
Taylor Lee
KAYSHA! i want you to get better oh so badly! we miss you immensley! oh also i was in the car and we passed a street called Squirrel Hollow and i couldn\'t wait to tell you about it! anyways, feel better chica I LUV YOU! :D
kaysha ledbetter
i actually feel a ton better!!! just i still have a sore throat!!! ive decided thats where im gonna live when i grow up!!!!!!! lol maybe i\'ll see you tonight!!!!! :shock:
Adriana White
Adri lurves Taylor! :D
kaysha ledbetter
no im not back just said hi!!! i\'ll be back tuesday!!! love you!!! :lol: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:
kaysha ledbetter
hey taylor!!!!

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