
And then there was Lilith...


18 year(s) ago

Im taking this feminist honors class so I can get the credit I need... We started talking about women in scripture and the amazing, respectable Lilith came up! *Sarcasm people!* If you have no idea who LILITH is look the legend/myth of lilith up... if you need some laughter ..it will perk you right up! Heres a basic gist: Lilith tells the story of “the first woman,” and wife of Adam. She represents the seductress woman, who was condemned by “God” for being an independent female, by not subjecting herself to Adam and his wishes. ______________________________________________________________________ Ah! to of been Adam's first wife! The women in my class praised lilith for her beauty, power, and not bowing down to adam as his lesser partner. I however read my response paper proving just one point that they quoted a part of scripture wrong in the text and no one said anything.... i just got a room full of glares... These are some of the argument questions I recieved... So what do you think??? -Lilith myth or fact??? What is the purpouse of it? -What would you of done?? Kept quite for stand up for what you believe or think is right?? - 4 versions of the bible... and they were just conglomerated into whatever version they wanted.... -There really isnt any proof proving the Old Testament is true... -Pauls letters were not written by paul... but by folowers... -Why does the bible show women in a negative aspect... _______________________________________________________________________ Here was my short response paper to Lilith: The Hebrew Myth of Lilith is thought to have been written between the 8th or 10th century. It tells the story of “the first woman,” and wife of Adam. She represents the seductress woman, who was condemned by “God” for being an independent female, by not subjecting herself to Adam and his wishes. One particular text claims that Adam was a hermaphrodite that would be later divided into two, the separated part becoming Eve. It uses Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.’ Thus he was made both male and female and was only divided later.”(see Lilith pg 140) In fact they have quoted scripture incorrectly Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created him, male and female He created them.”(New International Version) In the text, man is a generic term used to describe both men and women. So what does it mean “...in our own likeness?” The Bible is actually referring to the spiritual image of God, rather than physical. God does not have an actual body such as mentioned in scripture. It is His characteristics we see reflected into ourselves such as personality, truth, wisdom, love, holiness, and justice which gives us the desire and capacity for spiritual fellowship. Unlike animals God made humans distinctively different; we can interact with God in a way animals can not. Take away our physical shells and it’s the inward personality-what makes you, you,- that defines the likeness of God. Both men and women have the emotional attributes of God just man (male and female) have a shadowed view of what God is because of sin. Once you put a male and female together their view becomes a little more clearer of what God is really like but their view wont be entirely clear until sin is gone.


18 year(s) ago

-Lilith myth or fact??? What is the purpouse of it? Lilith is a myth because the Bible never says anything about her existence. it was just to fool the people into showing that God was merciless to independent women. -What would you of done?? Kept quite for stand up for what you believe or think is right?? I think women have no place to stand up for anything unless it is for her family or faith, so I would stand up for my faith or any false accusation of my family, but anythingelse, I leave to my husband. - 4 versions of the bible... and they were just conglomerated into whatever version they wanted.... not neccessarily true. the 4 different versions of the bible are just different translations. there's one that's closest to the original greek and hebrew (KJV) and one that tries to translate the greek and hebrew into where there aren't so many thees and thous (NKJV/NIV), then there's the study bible which goes into deep detail of every greek word (more than one word per greek word) (amplified), then there's the new living version (red letters) where it basically summarizes the bible (not a very good one). there's more of an explanation. -There really isnt any proof proving the Old Testament is true... Actually there is tons of proof around everwhere. if you look at these tapes by Dr. Baugh, he goes into a rather deep scientific explanation, proving the old testament true. (very interesting to look through). They're called "Creation in the New World" if you're interested. -Pauls letters were not written by paul... but by folowers... Paul's letters were written by paul, maybe some of then by followers because he was in prison half of the time he lived in christ. -Why does the bible show women in a negative aspect... The bible does not show women in a negative aspect. The whole independant working woman thing came about in WW1 when men were dying in the war and women needed to start working to keep the economy stable. So, they got a whole bunch of the suffrogets together to start saying that women have rights. Well, if women want rights, then they get 'em. The government gave them enough exploitation in order to rile up the women and ge them excited about work. Women are supposed to submit to their husbands and not work out there in the world, but work at home teaching the children and keepinga good home. It's not like islam where it supports the beating of wives, but that wives should be submissive and do the will of her husband (unless it's something that is against God). :) I hope this has clarified a few things. Good luck and God Bless.


18 year(s) ago

[b]Rachel721 wrote:[/b] [quote]there's one that's closest to the original greek and hebrew (KJV) and one that tries to translate the greek and hebrew into where there aren't so many thees and thous (NKJV/NIV), then there's the study bible which goes into deep detail of every greek word (more than one word per greek word) (amplified), then there's the new living version (red letters) where it basically summarizes the bible (not a very good one). there's more of an explanation.[/quote] Actually... The closet to the Greek and Hebrew would be interliner. Then NASB followed by NKJV I believe. KJV actually is pretty far down the list. NLT is pretty much a modern street way of saying things... NIV has excellent readiblity and is very close to the original Hebrew/Greek.


18 year(s) ago

[b]Sanctified4Him wrote:[/b] [quote] NLT is pretty much a modern street way of saying things...[/quote] "and then te Lord said, 'yoyo! wuz poppin, moms? yo, is like dis, my favuh was all, 'eh! yous my sun and I wuz all, oh, okay dad, and we wuz all gravy, ya dig' thus sayeth the Lord" lol, that was a joke, I'm not making fun of anybody.


18 year(s) ago

[b]Rachel721 wrote:[/b] [quote][b]Sanctified4Him wrote:[/b] [quote] NLT is pretty much a modern street way of saying things...[/quote] "and then te Lord said, 'yoyo! wuz poppin, moms? yo, is like dis, my favuh was all, 'eh! yous my sun and I wuz all, oh, okay dad, and we wuz all gravy, ya dig' thus sayeth the Lord" lol, that was a joke, I'm not making fun of anybody.[/quote] wow.... i did not understand like any of that


18 year(s) ago

[b]Rachel721 wrote:[/b] [quote][b]Sanctified4Him wrote:[/b] [quote] NLT is pretty much a modern street way of saying things...[/quote] "and then te Lord said, 'yoyo! wuz poppin, moms? yo, is like dis, my favuh was all, 'eh! yous my sun and I wuz all, oh, okay dad, and we wuz all gravy, ya dig' thus sayeth the Lord" lol, that was a joke, I'm not making fun of anybody.[/quote] Ha... I know people that talk almost exactly like that :-)

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