


16 year(s) ago

right now im worried about the elections......... i feel like the best option is huckabee (or however its spelled) cuz hes the most concervative...... if we get mccain in there he is going to make the republicans more liberal so i think that in the long run we would be better off with hillary or obama (i really dont want him!) and then we would only have to suffer with a bad president for 4 years rather than ruining our country. just a thought......


16 year(s) ago

There isn't much more ruining we can do, thanks to bush!! I want Ron Paul to win!! HE has snece... but I can sort of see where you are coming form!!


16 year(s) ago

[b]joe-jonas-lover wrote:[/b] [quote]There isn't much more ruining we can do, thanks to bush!! I want Ron Paul to win!! HE has snece... but I can sort of see where you are coming form!![/quote] What's [i]snece[/i]?

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