
Emperor\'s New Groove


17 year(s) ago

Who out here loves "The Emperor's New Groove"? It is such a funny movie and I've seen it so many times that I can practicaly quote the entire movie! My favorite scene would have to be when Yezma (spelling?) is looking at Krunk while he's talking to his two shoulder angels: Krunk:"....Well, Yezma just tossed me this knife and we're waiting for you and quite honestly..." Yezma: "KRUNK!" *Krunk and shoulder angels look at Yezma* Yezma: "...It's like I'm talking to a money, a big stupid monkey named Krunk! And want to know something else? I've never liked your spinach puffs! NEVER!!!" devil shoulder angel: "That's it, she's goin' down!" angel shoulder angel: "From above the wicked shall recieve their just reward..." *Krunk and shoulder angels look up and see the chandelier* Krunk and shoulder angels: "That'll work! Gosh, I love that movie!


17 year(s) ago

It's actually Kronk and Yzma. But good try!!!! I really like that movie too! "Ahuh Ahuh ahuh ahuh ahuh!" *When Kuzco struts around after he saved Patcha.*:P


17 year(s) ago

[b]Stingray04 wrote:[/b] [quote]It's actually Kronk and Yzma. But good try!!!! [/quote] Thanks! I kinda figured I was spelling their names wrong, so thanks for correcting me on that! Mom: "Try jiggling the handle." Yzma: "There is no handle!." Mom: "Right...Are you sure?" Yzma: "Alright, I've had enough this! Tell us which way the talking llama went and we'll burn your house to the ground." Kronk: "Uhhh, Don't you mean "or"?" Yzma: "Fine! Tell us which way the talking llama went OR we'll burn your house to the ground!" Little Girl: "Well which one is it? It sounds like a pretty crucial conjunctian to me!" Yzma: "Grrrrr...Kronk break the door down!" Kronk: "Break the door down? Are you kidding me? This is hand carved mahogany..." Yzma: "Move out of the way you fool and I'll break it down myself..." etc. That scene is so funny!!!!!


17 year(s) ago

I really love The Emperor's New Groove. I expected it to be lame but it's one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time, and probably the funniest Disney animated feature. David Spade was perfect for Kuzco.


17 year(s) ago

It's one of the best movies ever! I don't know how anyone couldn't like it. Does anyone want to learn to speak Squirrel?


17 year(s) ago

hahaha!! I love that movie!!! Its so hilarious! I don't remember that one dude's name...but you probably know who I'm talking about. Kuzco: "We're about to go over a huge waterfall aren't we?" other dude: "Yup" Kuzco:" Bring it on." something like that! but its so funny his reaction to going over a waterfall!! :laugh:

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