
Good idea/Bad idea?


16 year(s) ago

I had a thought the other day. Instead of just building and fixing computers as a side money thing, I'm thinking about possibly hosting a seminar-type-thing, wherein people can buy a system (I'm thinking one of three- desktop, workstation, or micro/car PC), and come in and build it together, having an experienced professional right there to advise on whatever problems they may have. I would be providing bulk rates on the parts, the cabling to hook everything up and get it tested, a master server from which to install their OS of choice (see Network Boot thread), and the experience to guide them and troubleshoot as needed. Would that sound like something that would appeal to you or people you know? There's a lot more people today that know how to build computers, because more than ever, ASSUMING you have no defective parts, they're making it more idiot-proof. Nonetheless, it really would only take 10 or so to make such a thing successful, and I live in a city of a million. What do y'all think?

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