
Imus is fired


17 year(s) ago

What do you guys think about that? On the one hand, I can't believe it popped into his head, and he decided "Yeah, that sounds good. Let's say that." But on the other hand, why would they fire him earlier in the SAME DAY he was meeting with the Rutgers women's basketball team? THAT'S who he disrespected, THAT'S who he should answer to. Had they afterwards said they wanted him fired, it might have been the right thing to do. I saw the coach speak, and she was open-minded, and not jumping to judge him, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton did. I blame the media. There was no need to rush to a decision. He had one more show, and they would've had his whole suspension period to decide if that was enough. But because the media talked about it 24 hours a day, it was up in everybody's face. Now we see how they treat even one of their own. But then again, he WAS kinda conservative, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.


17 year(s) ago

[color=#000080]Far be it for me to be a Marxist generally speaking, but in this case, it's the economics of the situation that has led to this final decision. Who would be angrier: protesters against Imus's retaining his show or protesters against Imus' being fired? Who's more likely to cause economic damage to the radio station? In this situation what's influenced these decisions is not a matter of moral right or wrong. It's the economics of the situation. From a Christian perspective, I'm glad that we have built into our community the ability to blow it and receive genuine forgiveness from the Lord and from His people. Imus's apology ought to be accepted among the African American Christian community even if it's not among parts of the non-Christian community.[/color]


17 year(s) ago

[b]Cleave wrote:[/b] [quote][color=#000080]Far be it for me to be a Marxist generally speaking, but in this case, it's the economics of the situation that has led to this final decision. [/color][/quote] Why is that Marxist, seems more like a Capitalist thing to say.

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