
Javi\'s Top 30 Favorite Movies


13 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]An unusual choice,.[/quote] How come? 26. [IMG]http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii256/unexsistant/Dick_Tracy.jpg[/IMG] I'm just going to admit that I have never heard of Dick Tracy, until I started to watch the AVGN's review of that crappy NES game. I started to fall in love with this movie, right on the moment I watched it. It grabbed my attention from looking at how cool this movie looked. I loved the way how Warren Beatty directed this movie, as well as playing as Dick Tracy. The cast is great too. Al Paccino, Dustin Hoffman and Madonna are all in this movie. The best part about it was how close this movie came to looking like a comic. It was as colorful as a comic, just like how colorful Who Framed Roger Rabbit was. It kind of felt like it was Roger Rabbit to me, because you have a detective as the main character, and it was based somewhere in the 40s. I even felt like the dialog and the acting was kind of similar too. However, the plot was obviously not. The music in this film was great. Even Madonna's songs were great too. Here's one, for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTL5cbMPfyw The only problem that I found about this film that I've always wondered is why doesn't anyone ever talk about this film? It never gets mentioned from anyone. The last person I have ever known to mankind was just James Rolfe, and that was because of his review of the game. I feel kind of sad that this was lost in time, and never mentioned again. But the best part of this movie was that it was never tried to be remade by anyone. That, to me, is great, because this film should never be touched by a single filmmaker on the face of the earth. That is if he wants to watch it on his spare time.


13 year(s) ago

[b]javie wrote:[/b] [quote][b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]An unusual choice,.[/quote] How come?[/quote] Well it's certainly no more unusual than Dick freaking Tracy. By which I mean I never see these films on other people's top lists. Not that that's a bad thing. I'm all for originality.


13 year(s) ago

25. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/Sergeant_york_movie_poster.gif Please forgive me that I couldn't get this picture posted, only because photobucket is just being such a jerk on me lately. Anyway, this movie, to me, is one of those that is underrated, but yet so great for me. Sargent Alan York is about one of the greatest shooters of all of World War I. Started off as a Drunken Tennessee hillbilly, who for some reason still lived with his mother and his little brother in his twenties. But if there is one thing that he was good at was shooting with his drunk friends. The film literally revolves around Christianity, and the scene where he turns into a Christian is great and powerful. This scene to my dad is his favorite scene in any movie. But then America started to recruit troops to fight in the war and Alan York gets sent into Europe, due to his sharp shooting. What made this film worked for me was his transformation after he conformed into Christianity. His whole lifestyle started to change instantly from being a drunk with a bad temper, to a man who is fully committed to Jesus Christ. Never have I seen a film that ever showed a story of a man of God like this before in my entire life. And what is surprising is that this was the most highest grossing film of the year when it came out. Plus, it was nominated for 11 Academy Awards, including best picture in the 14th Academy Awards. That is saying a lot! I believe that every Christian should have this in their DVD collection. No one should ever leave this movie out, for being great in every single way.


13 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote][b]javie wrote:[/b] [quote][b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]An unusual choice,.[/quote] How come?[/quote] Well it's certainly no more unusual than Dick freaking Tracy. By which I mean I never see these films on other people's top lists. Not that that's a bad thing. I'm all for originality.[/quote]:)


13 year(s) ago

24. [IMG]http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii256/unexsistant/bill_and_teds_excellent_adventure.jpg[/IMG] When I was a kid, I remember watching this, but not to the point that I remember it too much. All I remember was that it was about two high school students who traveled through time, getting a hold of the world's most famous historic figures. But when [b][u]I[/u][/b] was in high school, I remember watching this on my last day in my World History class. Man, it was way better than how I remembered watching it before, just like the rest of the other movies that I will mention on the other movies that I will post. In case none of you have ever watched this epic comedy that pretty much concluded the 80s, Bill and Ted is about two high school students who are failing at their history class, and have to study hard for their finals, or Ted will be sent to military school in Alaska. So Rufus, who believe it or not, is being played by George Carlin, was sent from 2688 A.D. to help them out with their history class, or their band that will save the future by ending all wars and violence throughout the world will never be formed. Rufus gives Bill and Ted a phone both, which is a time machine (which I will never doubt that its an idea that they got from Dr. Who), to go through different time periods, and pick the most famous historic figures for their final project. As I was watching this, the jokes are based on nothing, but references on modern day culture. The funny part is that it all works. Most of the jokes are used from their favorite bands and heavy metal. Take this scene for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agaHP0eQHmU Every one of these jokes I have reference so much in my life ever since I watched this movie, and I will never get tired of every single line that was said. The one thing about this movie that find interesting was Keanu Reeves. In this film, his role is funny and excellent, plus its the side of him that I have never seen before. Nowadays, he's been taking way too many serious roles, that it's just boring. I can't recall a recent movie that he has been in that kept me awake or interested about him. I really would love to see him play in a role like this in another movie. I want to see him be unleashed, and be part of a hilarious role like in the Bill and Ted movies. As a matter in fact, I would challenge him to be in another comedy, just to see if he would hold up to today's standards. Maybe Mel Brooks would put him in a film and use him in a leading role. That I would want to see. Now you might be wondering what I think about Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. I do love watching it, and there is a lot that I love about it. But the first one is the one that I love the most. As a student of Pasadena City College, who is trying to major in History, I can and I will continue to say that this movie was EXCELLENT!!!


13 year(s) ago



13 year(s) ago

[img size=150]http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lh4ksaXgee1qdpkvso1_500.jpg[/img] :P (nothing against Bill and Ted though, your mention of Doctor Who just reminded me of this scene)


13 year(s) ago

@Sergeant York I absolutely love that movie. Alan York was actually good friends with the grandfather of my best friend growing up, and my friend's father attended his funeral.


13 year(s) ago

23. [IMG]http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii256/unexsistant/l_97576_6e41cc9a.jpg[/IMG] Yeah, I had to cram in an Indiana Jones movie in my list. The Last Crusade, which a lot of people can agree with, is considered to a lot of fans as the best in the series. If this is wrong, then it is my personal favorite out of the bunch. Here are my reasons for why: 1. Sean Connery. Who can hate this guy? No, really. WHO CAN?!?!?!? He's like the king of awesome! He's right there with Leonard Nimmoy, Chuck Norris, and Clint Eastwood. Let's not forget that he played as the very first James Bond and played as Ramirez from Highlander. That's like saying that you don't like freedom if you don't like Sean Connery. His role as the father of Indiana Jones in this movie is played out great, and enjoyable. There is just no way you can hate his performance in this movie at all. It's just impossible! 2. The action scenes. The first movie had some good action scenes, and they were great. But seeing Indy fight against the Nazis in this one was even better. You had tanks, a dogfight in airplanes, and a chase scene on motor boats too. They were all done great and beautifully made. 3. The story. Seeing how Indy became the man that we all know and love was great. Unfortunately, the actor who played as the young Indiana Jones in this movie died of drug use, or something. The Holy Grail was something that I didn't care too much. I know that his treasure hunts are more based on religious items, but it's not as original as Monty Python's. But seeing the father and son relationship between Indiana and his father worked out great, and it was just fun too. If there was just one movie I would pick out of all of the movies that I own for you to watch, this would be it.


13 year(s) ago

Alright. Back from my long pause. I've been busy with my finals that is coming up next week, and I'm reading the Hobbit, because there's going to be a Hobbit movie coming out. But I'm very confident with what I'm doing right now. Sorry for keeping you all waiting without telling anyone, but I must continue. 22. [IMG]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu107/scorpius7/fugitive.jpg[/IMG] More Harrison Ford for ya. I embrace the thought and idea that this movie takes itself at. Based on a true story, its about Dr. Richard Kimble, who is accused of murdering his wife, and is on the lose. Not only is he hiding from the cops, or from Tommy Lee Jones, but he is also trying to look for the man who killed his wife. So its both a murder mystery and a runaway film. I think that's what you would call it. But you might be wondering how this made it on my top 30 list of my favorite movies. The reasons for why I love this film is because Harrison Ford's character is likable, and you feel sorry about his wife, just as much as you want to know how he will turn out. He's smart, awesome, and nothing can stop him. Not even for a prison bus that crashes one night that drags him downhill, and later on sees a train that slams the prison bus and gets away from it. That's right people. He outruns a moving train that puts its brakes on, that's speed increases to 200mph. That is physically impossible, but still one of the most coolest things that I have ever seen in my entire life! Like I said, nothing can stop Harrison Ford. [size=5][b]NOTHING!!![/b][/size] The other best actor is Tommy Lee Jones. He is portrayed as the villain most of the times. To me, that is. The reason for why I say that is because he has that villain feeling whenever you see him, and whenever you see him chasing Ford. Man, seeing both Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford in a movie is such an awesome combo. It rocks! For the ending, I'm not going to give out anything, but its one of those endings that you won't see coming at all. Now that's an ending that I love to see.

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