
Javi\'s Top 30 Favorite Movies


13 year(s) ago

Alright guys. After 3 months on planning this out, I'm finally ready. This list was not easy for me to make. I just had so many favorite movies, that I had to make the appropriate number of 30, just to show you all of my favorites. I had others that I tried to cram in so many, that I ended up losing so many others. So I tried to categorize them to where they rank in my favorites. It took me 3 months to figure this out, just because I wanted to make sure if these are my favorites, and if these are worthy of being on the list. And don't be disappointed if you don't see any movie that YOU like on your list, or if you see a movie that you hate on the list either. So, here are my top 30 favorite movies. 30. [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f186/L_Burna718/tf-dvd-cover-large.jpg[/IMG] I was about to do a review of this movie yesterday, but I wanted to put this on the list. And because I decided to put this on the list, I'll give you guys a short review on the movie right now. Yes, I do love Michael Bay's Transformers movie, but I like the 1986 animated movie a lot better. And yes, I do have my reasons for why. First of all, the cast. You have Blur, who is played by John Moschitta, who was the same guy from the Micro Machines commercial and Leonard Nimoy as Galvatron. Second, the main enemy. Unicron, to my opinion, is my favorite bad guy from the Transformers series, and he proves it, by eating planets, and manipulating others to do his business. Come on, he turned Megatron, one of the most famous villians, into Galvatron. That, and he can transform too into a giant robot. Bigger than anything that I have ever seen. Last, but not least, was the music. It rocked more than anything that I listened to from Michael Bay's choices of Linkin Park. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSCQXGbQOsM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=354fsy3oL_M The action scenes in this one are, to my perspective, are much better than Michael Bay's. It makes you feel interested of what you are watching. It gets you hyped up to what is happening. Just seeing all of your favorite transformers on one whole movie, to me, was a great experience to see. My favorite Dino-bots were in there, and Blur was just epic. Although, I was more of a Bumble-Bee fan, and I did wish that I got to see more of him in this one. But I still, truly loved this film.


13 year(s) ago

Well, I'm back. Sorry it took me so long. I had a big technical difficulty with my batter charger turning into a dead puppy. So I just recently got a new one. Now, back to the list. 29. [IMG]http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv312/LUCHARUDO/209772X2-X-Men-United-Posters.jpg[/IMG] I just want to say that I love X-Men. X-Men, to me, is the best series that Marvel has got to offer. This movie is one of my favorites. When I first got this on DVD, I watched it every single day. I have many reasons for why I watched it every single day, but I will list the strong and best reasons for why. 1. Wolverine. Yeah, I still put Gambit as my favorite Marvel character of all time, but my #2 favorite is Wolverine. Hugh Jackmen does the best Wolverine, and I just don't see who else can pull it off. As a matter in fact, I have heard that Tom Cruse wanted to be Wolverine, but due to the low popularity rating for Mission Impossible 2, the deal was decline. I really don't want to picture Tom Cruse as Wolverine. That's just silly! 2. The special effects. Every single effect in this film is great to look at. The scenes where the X-wing flies around the tornadoes from the fighter jets were awesome, as well as Nightcrawler's teleporting abilities. I believe they did a great job at doing that. 3. The story's continuation. I really love how they bridged this movie from the first. The way how they did this was great of how they explained Wolverine's past on this one and answered so many questions, that it reminded me of how useless X-Men Origins was. Now with First Class coming out, I'm really skeptical about it. But this will always be my best X-Men movie!


13 year(s) ago

If you were a big X-Men fan I can see why you would enjoy this more than others. I never read any comics as a kid so I had no expectations beyond what the films themselves had to offer. I found them likable enough but not particularly memorable - though I do agree with you that this is the best of the bunch. I particularly liked the battle between Wolverine and that chick with the claws. And yes Jackman is great as Wolverine. He's pretty much great all the time though.


13 year(s) ago

Yeah, the one who you are talking about is X-23, who's ability was given to kill dictators, terrorist, etc. But she didn't like it, so she rebelled and escaped the facility, meaning that she never fought Wolverine. 28. [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f177/ianmm24/c-story.jpg[/IMG] Most of you have found it strange when I mentioned that A Christmas Story is one of my favorite movies of all time, because it is a Christmas movie. Just to let you all know that ever since James Rolfe rated Gremlins as one of his all time favorite movies, I then found it safe to put this on my list. If you don't think that Gremlins is a Christmas movie, then go back to the Nostalgia Critic's 2nd top 11 best Christmas special. Anyway, this movie has been a landmark of being the mother of all Christmas films, ever since I first saw it in my childhood. Shoot, I even have the "You'll shoot your eye out!" t-shirt and the leg lamp on my desk. I even went as far as getting the movie on HD-DVD when the HD-DVD movies were still around. But what was it about this film that made me choose this to be on my list? Its because of the comedy that it offers, and the humble and brilliant story-telling for a Christmas film that shows the life of a Chicagoan child of the age of 10, living in the 1940s of what the holidays was like for them. As a matter in fact, it shows what the society from the 40s thought about Christmas, and how much they loved it. This, of course, shows just how awesome Christmas really is, and I always look back at this every single year of why I love the holidays. And let's not forget about the birth of Jesus Christ. If it weren't for him, then I don't think this movie would have ever existed. I could be wrong.


13 year(s) ago

I. Hate. This. Movie. End of Story.


13 year(s) ago

Which one? I posted three movies so far.


13 year(s) ago

It's not at all surprising to me that you would list A Christmas Story among your favorites. Heck, it was on my top 100 movies list the first time I made one. Since then I've seen a lot more movies and it's been pushed off, but it really is an excellent film. It captures with such astuteness and wit what it is like to be a kid growing up in middle class America. So much of this movie speaks to my experiences. In a way, I am Ralphie. Most of us are, and that's why the film is enduring. Sure, it's funny and quotable but it's the profoundly human qualities that cause it to resonate. I'd go so far as to say this is the definitive film made about the holidays in America.


13 year(s) ago

You know, I've never seen all of A Christmas Story, although I have seen the most quoted bits. I'll have to watch it someday. I don't think it's weird to have a holiday movie in your favorites, either, btw. Gremlins and It's A Wonderful Life are definitely in my list of favorite movies and they're both holiday movies.


13 year(s) ago

27. [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg100/monkeymind101/waroftheworlds.jpg[/IMG] This movie put me in a grasp of what would it be like if there was an alien invasion that we can't fight against. It gave me a big step of new imaginations to fill my brain. War of the Worlds, to many people, is one of the greatest sci-fi films ever! I never read H.G. Wells War of the Worlds (well, not yet, actually), but this movie was enough to satisfy my interest. The plot is kind of the same as Steven Spielberg's, but not as much. It starts with the narration that sounds sinister and great, which is perfect for this kind of movie. Then you have the aliens crash land, knocking out all of electricity around the area of Southern California, and then, THE WORLD!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8u7px_GzWQ The military were of no match for their alien technology, because of the alien's force field that destroys anything that tries to touch it. And let's not forget about their heat-rays that evaporates their enemies in one hit, with the coolest sound effect ever. The space ships still look amazing, even for today. The plot is something that I don't want to give out, but for me, I was expecting something better. Overall, I highly recommend people to watch the original 1953 film, since that was the one that I was talking about, and make sure to check out the trailer for this movie. It's great! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9T9f3UbGuo


13 year(s) ago

An unusual choice, but I give it a thumbs up. Better to watch this than the Spielberg version, but of course, you should read H.G. Wells' novel. The ending of the film is basically the same as in the book, and for me it [i]does[/i] work, unlike in the 2005 version which hadn't earned it. When I was younger I liked to read but I didn't always have the patience for it. This was one book that kept me interested all the way through. Well, this and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

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