
Join our Lord Lucifer


12 year(s) ago

Why do you all put your faith in the Pretender? He who wished humans to live in ignorance for eternity. From him we have gained nothing. He has slaughtered countless humans for what he calls "transgressions" and has allowed the world to become a miserable place. Every day millions die of starvation, rape, murder, accidents, etc. and you still put faith in the Pretender, despite evidence of his malevolence being present all around us. It's rather sad people. Even in the beginning, our Lord Lucifer was there for us. Without him, Eve would not have eaten of the Apple, and without that, we would have no cars, planes, trains, computers, or any technology. We would be thoughtless slaves to the Pretender. Countless times throughout The Bible, we read of God's murders of countless innocents. Not once has Lucifer killed anyone. History is written by the victor, and because the Pretender prevailed over Lucifer, our true Lord was imprisoned and history was written to promote the malevolent winner. Follow the Pretender blindly and he will allow to enter the gates of Heaven. Lord Lucifer will accept you, no matter who you are, and punish those who DESERVE punishment.


12 year(s) ago

Yeah... You're not going to get very far here with that.


12 year(s) ago

And what exactly does "get[ting] very far" mean? I'm simply asking questions, and spreading the word. If you weren't afraid of being wrong you'd ask yourself these questions. Why follow a being who slaughters millions simply because they do not follow his every rule to the letter, hm? Have you ever heard of Lucifer killing anyone? Have you even READ The Bible?


12 year(s) ago

Pathetic troll is pathetic.


12 year(s) ago

Pathetic? No, whoever tried to ban me is pathetic. How very Christian of them. Someone questions their beliefs so they silence them in order to keep the "peace" just like their pretender God. Troll? No. Fool, my kind has existed for quite some time, but nearly one thousand years ago we were hunted and BURNED ALIVE by Christians. Instead of allowing someone to worship whomever they choose, they try to rid the world of them. It has always been this way, and my banning has proved that nothing has changed. This is a FREE discussion board is it not? I thought that meant I could speak of anything? Oh, I'm sorry mods, I didn't know free meant "You can do anything but question our religion".


12 year(s) ago

I think they banned you because you are a troll. Please. Was pushing Satanism and attacking Christianity really the best you could come up with? I've seen better trolls than you on my mother's scrapbooking site.


12 year(s) ago

I have a question real quick. Where in the Bible does it talk about Lucifer? I'm almost done reading the whole thing and the only demon or evil spirit I can remember was called Legion. The only angel I can remember is Gabriel


12 year(s) ago

Satanism? You moron, brush up on your history before you attempt to even argue with me. Satanism is worshiping Satan as he is depicted in popular culture. An evil being who does dark nonsense. You're an idiot. I am a Luciferian, and if you don't know what that is, I'll tell you. Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a liberator or guiding spirit (often associated with the Greek Prometheus) or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah. Luciferianism is identified by some people as an auxiliary of Satanism, due to the popular identification of Lucifer with Satan. Some Luciferians accept this identification or consider Lucifer the light bearer aspect of Satan. Others reject it, arguing that Lucifer is a more positive ideal than Satan.


12 year(s) ago

That is a very good question. Might I ask which version of the book you are reading? Old Testament, New Testament?


12 year(s) ago

Banning doesn't keep you from posting. It is a warning. Freedom here comes with conditions. Yes, free discussion board. However, it is required that all discussion respect the basis of our website which IS Christianity. Frankly, calling our Lord and Savior the "pretender" comes in great offense here and will not be tolerated. To say that our God is a murderer is disrespectful. To claim that we are fools for believing in our God is inappropriate and against our rules. We will not delete your account for having different beliefs. However, administration will not hesitate to delete you out of lack of respect towards our board and its basis. Is this understood? We like to tell people here, yes, you're free to post. However, the internet is no democracy, and we do have rules and the ability to say who does and does not stay on our board.

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