
Latter Day Saints


15 year(s) ago

Ok, I'm probably going to regret making this thread because it has the potential to become pretty heated. I'm not saying that it [i]will[/i] get heated, but it might. So with that said... Do you consider Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons) Christian? Do you consider them to be saved? I have many LDS friends and they all consider themselves Christian, but all of my other Christian friends say that members of the LDS Church [i]aren't[/i] Christian -- and therefore, aren't saved. Personally, I strongly disagree with a lot of their beliefs, but I wanted to hear everyone else' opinions.


15 year(s) ago

cult (k?lt) Pronunciation Key n. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. Not sure that fits Christianity.....


15 year(s) ago



15 year(s) ago

Wow. This has very quickly turned into something very different than what I meant it to be. Simply put, I want to know whether or not you consider followers of the LDS Church to be Christian. Back up your beliefs with scripture or credible sources (e.g. NOT a source that's written by some druggie who prays to the Purple Wombat that lives in the sky). This wasn't meant to be a debate over whether or not Christianity is correct. It's merely meant to look at the beliefs of two religions and determining whether or not they can be classified as being parts of the same religion. Get it? Good! Thanks.


15 year(s) ago

I agree with cookiedough28. Let's keep in mind our original topic, please folks. AND let's furthermore show respect for one another, even when... no, ESPECIALLY when we disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and they are allowed to voice those opinions here, within the common-sense limits established by the Mypraize administration. I can't seem to find the TOS at the moment (didn't it used to be at the bottom of each page?), but I'm pretty positive it includes showing respect to one another. That means that mainstream Christians should speak about other groups factually, not emotionally, and it means that they can also reasonably expect to be treated in a like manner by those who are NOT mainstream Christians. I mean it, you guys. It bothers me every time I have to use my admin powers. I don't like censorship, but I like it better than a huge argumentative free-for-all with no capacity to spread knowledge, wisdom, relationships, or any of the fruits of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22) Getting back on topic, it's really a difficult call. I can tell you that many Christian churches and communities could learn a lot from the Mormons. They are church-centered, they are family-centered, and these two things are an incredibly huge part of their lives. They are very happy (I would say primarily as a result of these extra-strong social/familial bonds) and friendly people, and as a community are very much dedicated to charitable causes. Yes, SOME of their efforts, such as caring for the families of laid-off parishioners, do start with their own communities, but honestly, I think that's the way it should be. For example, I find it troubling that America finds billions of dollars to send in foreign aid to feed hungry people abroad, while we have so many hungry people right here, which could be fed for a fraction of the cost, since that food wouldn't have to cross an ocean. Another thing I think is important to remember about Mormons is that they have a bit of the Catholic syndrome.. That is to say, with such a complicated, involved, and one might even say secretive set of doctrines, all Mormons do not believe every teaching of the Mormon church. I won't hazard a guess, and I'm not sure anyone knows how many Mormons stray from official teachings, or how far from those official teachings they are, but I've met many young Mormons who are content to leave the past behind them, and seem to continue in the Mormon church primarily for the sake of keeping families together, and furthering the many good works they see their church doing in the world today. Like I say, it seems rather similar to many young Catholics I know.. And on that note, as close as it is to call, I'm going to go with Matthew 7:17-18, and say that a bad tree cannot produce good fruits. And they definitely produce good fruits. After WW2 ravaged Europe, the LDS church were the first to bring relief supplies for those who suffered its cruelties. They were there before the Salvation Army.. so early they had to park their ships off-shore and wait for Allied approval before docking and unloading could begin. I also want to agree with Brandon. Yes, they are definitely wrong.. way off base. But he's right, I don't know that mainstream Mormons are really any more wrong than some mainstream Christians. There are definitely a few cases, where I think the Mormons are closer to the truth. For example, I would say that their theory (misrepresented though it often is) about becoming gods is empowering, although it is a false empowerment. I still think it leaves more room for ambition, and dreams of making the world a better place than Christian notions like Predestination, whose offshoots like Manifest Destiny are directly responsible for the continued suffering of millions.


15 year(s) ago

My church use to be called "the reorginaized church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" But now were just "Community of Christ" It says in the BIBLE that if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savour, you are SAVED. So, in other words. I think mormons are saved. But I dono truely. ONLY God knows for sure. I'd like to think of my self saved, but I might not be. God has the right to choose. It also say in the BIBLE not to judge. So, saying "you're saved" or "you're NOT saved" would count as being judgeful. With all that said.... I don't know.


15 year(s) ago

[b]cookiedough28 wrote:[/b] [quote]Ok, I'm probably going to regret making this thread because it has the potential to become pretty heated. I'm not saying that it [i]will[/i] get heated, but it might. So with that said... Do you consider Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons) Christian? Do you consider them to be saved? I have many LDS friends and they all consider themselves Christian, but all of my other Christian friends say that members of the LDS Church [i]aren't[/i] Christian -- and therefore, aren't saved. Personally, I strongly disagree with a lot of their beliefs, but I wanted to hear everyone else' opinions.[/quote] The Mormon cult does not subscribe itself to the belief that they are Christians. So why should anyone else? -Matt


15 year(s) ago

[b]MaddMatt wrote:[/b] [quote] The Mormon cult does not subscribe itself to the belief that they are Christians. So why should anyone else? -Matt[/quote] What's in a name? They believe the same thing as many Christians churches; that they alone are the "New Israel" and recipients of all the promises, conditional and unconditional, that G-d gave to Israel(but of couse, without actually fulfilling the conditions OF the conditional covenants).

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