
Left Behind


17 year(s) ago

I never did finish the series even though I made it through quite a few books. I know they aren't the best written books ever, but I still think they are good. Plus one of my friends came to Christ in part by reading the Left Behind series, so I value them from that standpoint.


17 year(s) ago

maybe you just need someone to sit down and explain what you have questions about. Unless you'd rather just go on not knowing...I mean if you have questions, zap me a message and I'll see if I can help. I'm sure many Christains would love to clear anything up you dont get. about the books....I LOVE THEM. i've read them for as long as I can remember...I actually just finished the last one...I didnt want it to end. I felt like they were all my best friends, and I couldn't stand it being over. So I read like 2 pages every 2 months! hahaha...I'm crazy I know. shrug!

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