


13 year(s) ago

So... I have coffee with some ladies from my mother's church on Tuesdays. And one of the ladies is a Mary Kay beauty products saleswoman. She managed to strong arm into a consult one time, and I discovered I love their products. I only use the mascara, moisturizer, and foundation, but they are awesome. So if you guys get a chance, try Mary Kay. Just for kicks and giggles. :3 Yay actually being girly for once in my life. X3


13 year(s) ago

Yay! My mom sells Mary Kay! I love it. I only use their moisturizer, foundation, and eye primer. Lol, but high five!


13 year(s) ago

Dude yeah! And the mascara is magical. Do you get epic discounts cause your mom sells it? :D


13 year(s) ago

Yes! I think I've used their mascara before...but it didn't work for me. :( Haha, I think my mom gets pretty good deals. It's great...she orders a bunch at a time, so if I ever run out of something, she's always got more in her stash! :P


13 year(s) ago

Ohhh... the ultimate mascara is lovely. It doesn't clump, or make my eyelashes feel all heavy. You know what, I'm jealous. Maybe I'll start selling Mary Kay so I can spite you and get better deals. :P


13 year(s) ago

I can't wear MK. My skin is uber-sensative. So, I stick with EDM and Loreal.


13 year(s) ago

All I wear is eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner... and that's only on my "I'm feelin' fancy" days. I use whatever's most colorful. It has to be hypo-allergenic though.


13 year(s) ago

I feel like so many people have a bad idea about make up. It's not meant to be piled on and cover your face in a mask, it's meant to highlight and enhance your best features. Products that look great on one person might not on another, and vice versa. I consider skin care part of my make up routine. Why? Because the clearer my skin is, the less make up I wear. Some days, I'll just wear concealer and powder to set, mascara and lip balm. (Burt's Bees FTW) Other days, I might bust out the liquid foundation and just use a dab of it. Also, I think people should mix up their make up routine. Try new products and techniques. It's okay to experiment.


13 year(s) ago

I'm pretty lazy about make-up as well. I have a decent amount for when I really feel like dressing nice and stuff, but usually I go without or with just some eyeliner.


13 year(s) ago

Heh, I only wear moisturiser (I do have some tinted stuff I hardly ever wear) even though I do have some mascara. I am seriously not good at putting make up on, especially eye shadow. I feel like I look like a drag queen. Who knows what I'd look like if I tried eye liner. :pinch:

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