
Purity discussion


13 year(s) ago

I was thinking it would be nice to start a post about purity. I wanted you guys to ask any questions you may have about purity and how we can be pure or just some suggestions so that pp reading this might learn something new or gain encouragement[color=#000080][/color] by what is being said :)[i][/i]


13 year(s) ago

Sure...define purity?


13 year(s) ago

The definition of purity. Purity - 1. The quality or condition of being pure. 2. Freedom from sin or guilt; innocence;chastity. I was thinking along the lines of saying pure in a impure world. There is so much going on around us as far as music and TV. Also there is alot of sexual impurity. What are some suggestions pp have as to staying pure in today world that can help us live set apart lives the way the Lord wants us to live. Also talk somewhat about staying pure for our the one that the Lord will give us for a husband and how special waiting for your wedding night is. Purity in today's world is so hard since we have all kinds of meda around us making it hard to stay pure. Bethany


13 year(s) ago

Honestly, I wouldn't blame the media. They do nothing but reflect what is already there. The media can tell you that purple spotted elephants exist, but that doesn't force you to believe it. We see it as the media's fault as we get older, because we're watching more mature things. They are old to the people creating them, but new to us, so we act shocked, but that doesn't mean that it is new at all. It always has been, and always will be. Really, if you need something to blame other than yourself in the matter, you can connect it to hormones. We start to notice guys. Guys start to notice us. It's always always always fully up to you to keep your purity in this world, and no one can "persuade" you away from that. This world is and has always been impure. If it wasn't, then there would be no need for a Savior. If you want to stay pure, but believe that music/tv is affecting you, then stop listening to/watching it. If you think it's one particular person, stay away from them. If it's a boyfriend or girlfriend, then tell them that you're struggling and really would like assistance on slowing things down. Most of all, pray. Read your Bible. God's word works, and will keep you in check. On a second note, what are your thoughts concerning the differences in belief, where the Jewish faith values sex, while Catholicism values chastity above all else?


13 year(s) ago

I more or less wanted to see what standereds of purity others thought were good. Also I was not really blamming the meda so much as all of us for watching things that could cause us the see pre marital sex as ok and good. I am a christian and I believe that pre marital sex is wrong. In side of marrage it is a wounderfull beautiful thing but it can only be beautiful and wonderful inside marrage the way the Lord intended it. As for kissing. Kissing gives away part of your heart and can lead to temtation. I am 19 and am going to be getting married to a christian man whom the lord gave me. I have never dated once. I have held out for the ONE the Lord had for me. I have never kissed a guy and will not kiss my husband to be till our wedding day. I believe that your kiss is only ment for the person the Lord has for you. Many pp will disigree with me and that is fine but this is what I believe to be corect not because someone else told me so but because I feel it is right. As far as phsycal touch Nathan and I only hug occasionaly and we hold hands but that is the extent of it. And I understand that different beliefs have different views on this. I did not meant to make an agument I just wanted a discution on what others thought about purity and waiting till marrage and what there ideas were for saying pure till their wedding night. Love in him, Beth


13 year(s) ago

Actually, sex can be wonderful and beautiful outside of marriage. [Note: I'm not for premarital sex, merely saying]


13 year(s) ago

I am sure it may be but I am a chirstan and can not undertand how someone could enjoy something that is made specificaly for marrage. just my opinun


13 year(s) ago

I'm a Christian too... You can't understand the workings of hormones and pleasure? Hormones are the easy part, I mean you have a boyfriend n all so one presumes you've had the butterflies in your stomach and all that kind of stuff; as well as loving him. As for pleasure, ever had a really good chocolate bar or something like that that makes you want more because it tastes so good? Sex is like that. It's the combination of lust, love, hormones and pleasure. To put it frankly, sex is enjoyable outside of marriage, as well as inside but it's only right when it's inside marriage. Not a whole lot changes when you get married in regards to sex (I'm talking about those non-married people who don't sleep around, about those who just date one person. I'm also leaving out the emotional side of sex right now.) except it's got God's seal of approval and you know for sure that the guy isn't going to leave you; the rest of it is the same.


13 year(s) ago

Well I never want that fealing outside of marrage and that is not because I am afraid of Nathan leaving me cause I know he wont but its because the lord can not bless us if we do not do what he has asked us to do.


13 year(s) ago

I always find that God blesses those who He chooses to use. We are always of use to our God. Paul was blessed though he was a murderer of Christ's followers. All sinners can be turned around, though I understand what you are saying. You shouldn't intentionally do something you know is wrong.

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