
red, yellow, black and white, all are equal...


14 year(s) ago

...in [H]is sight. No, these aren't the lyrics to [i]Jesus Loves the Little Children[/i]. These are the lyrics to a song about President Obama that is being taught to elementary school kids at a school in NJ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zrsl8o4ZPo Hail Obama! You're number one!


14 year(s) ago

This concerns me.


14 year(s) ago

What's most concerning is that we can do this junk but we can't sing Christmas carols. It apparently should be "Happy Holidays", not Merry Christmas. I remember being in 5th grade and about half way through the year, we quit saying the Pledge of Allegiance because of the "under God" part. Political correctness has done a great deal of damage to us.


14 year(s) ago

So it happened with Bush to. Does that make it any less bad? What's your point?


14 year(s) ago

Yeah, it SHOULD be Happy Holidays. Why do Christians have such a big problem with Hannukah also being celebrated? WE hope YOUR holiday goes great, what's wrong with wishing the same back? At least Hannukah is in the Bible. I really dont see the big deal. You would expect the first "black history month" during the term of the first African American president TO make a big deal out of him. I can't help wondering if this isn't a little of that perenniel sentiment that there shouldn't even BE a black history month, that's just getting focused on Obama this time around.


14 year(s) ago

[b]MattBob_SquarePants wrote:[/b] [quote]Yeah, it SHOULD be Happy Holidays. Why do Christians have such a big problem with Hannukah also being celebrated? [/quote] I've never heard of Christians having problem with that. I sure don't. My pastor was talking about a Jewish celebration today, actually. He was making a good example of Jews :) Where I come from, people of different religions are accepted without a second thought. Same with race, and probably any other difference you can think of.

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