
Sentenced to church?


16 year(s) ago

http://www.qctimes.com/articles/2008/03/20/news/local/doc47e18a0290dec912417296.txt [quote]With a lengthy and violent criminal record to his name, Pachino Hill is going to church. Hill, 29, of Davenport was sentenced Wednesday by Scott County Associate Judge Christine Dalton to a counseling program offered by Third Missionary Baptist Church. She also ordered him to attend church there eight consecutive Sundays, to pay a fine and be on probation for one year.... Hill was charged when he was 14 years old with first-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of Lawrence Brown Johnson. He was accused of giving the gun used in the shooting to Clyde Edwards Jr. Hill pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and terrorism. Hill was sentenced to 15 years in prison. At the time, then-Scott County Attorney Bill Davis said: "If we had gone to trial and if Pachino were convicted of first-degree murder, he would have gotten life in prison." He thought that considering Hill's young age, the plea was appropriate. In December 2002, Hill was one of three men charged with attempted murder for allegedly shooting at a Davenport police officer. One of those bullets missed the head of the Cpl. Dennis Colclasure by six inches, police investigators said. A lack of evidence caused Scott County prosecutors to drop those charges. Hill was convicted of possessing a firearm as a felon in connection with that incident, but a judge later ruled the evidence insufficient to charge him with any offense and dismissed the case. In October 2004, Hill was arrested for helping Bryan Mitchell of Davenport leave the area of the fatal shooting of Grayling Church, 20, of Davenport. He also was accused of concealing the weapon and keeping witnesses from giving statements. He was found not guilty of that charge. In March 2006, Hill was charged with attempted murder in the shooting of a 28-year-old man in the thigh. He was charged with child endangerment in April 2006, on a drug charge in July 2006 and a domestic assault charge in August 2006. That charge prompted a police search because he fled after hitting a former girlfriend in the forehead with a bottle and slashing two tires on her car. He received probation for the child endangerment and drug charges. The domestic assault case was dismissed. In July 2007, he led police on a chase during a traffic enforcement effort on the Centennial Bridge. He pleaded guilty to driving while barred and received probation. His probation was revoked because of the most recent chase. If he does not complete the terms of the sentenced imposed Wednesday, eight months will be added to the two-year prison sentence.[/quote] Just don't think this is anything new. Drug offenders, DUI and DWI, PI, and other charges have been resulting in sentences including the inherently religious 12 step programs for decades, in violation of the separation of church and state. I've just not heard of such a SERIOUS case...

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