
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phanom Menace


15 year(s) ago

All right everybody, this is the introduction to my Star Wars Prequels review. This time I'm starting off with episode one, only because it starts in the very beginning of the saga, and also I have a lot to say. Alright, its now or never. I have to admit, when I first saw this movie, I actually like it. needless to say, I was only 10 years old, growing up with autism. So it wouldn't be a surprise to me if I figure that one out on my own, because a lot happens to you when your autistic. But anyway, I watched this movie a lot when it first came out on VHS like it was a Saturday morning cartoon show. People were all suckered into watching this movie and it got more craze reports from all over the world, probably because it was the first star wars movie in 16 years, and it was Star Wars. But when so many people watched it, they were greatly disappointed at the whole movie. I wasn't, because I didn't know or noticed that no one even liked it at the time. But then time went on, I started to watch it again before episode 2 came out, and then I clearly understood why no one liked it, and that was it. My childhood then went to waste right away. Now I am looking back at this movie and it just feels so painful to even do so. The first thing that I noticed was then the words on the intro were scrolling up, I notice the one word that I thought was just put in there by random. Taxation. I was all like, "okay." Its just that it wasn't something that a Star Wars fan would want to see. The next thing that was just random was who the plot began. They just show Quigan Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi coming out of a ship, into a imperial ship, without explaining anything about where they came from. I just felt as if the writers forgot like a scene or two. Some say that you have to read books in order to understand where they were coming from and who these people are. Well that's just perfect, because I never knew that this series was based off of a book in the first place, and there are so many of these books, that I don't know where to start. Moving on. When I first saw this movie, I was hoping to see the characters from the original trilogy. When I saw the very first Droid, it was silver and it looked like C-3PO. At first, I thought that was him, but with a different voice and a different color. Nope. It was just another serving Droid who only looked liked him. The real one was made by Anikan Skywalker, which is such a big fat coincidence. And R2-D2 was also another coincidence, but not as much. Maybe it doesn't count. I was amazed of how much R2-D2 could do in the prequels. He could fly, squirt out oil, and also shock people. Wow, kind of like the original Trilogy, right? Moving on, we have princess Amadea. I really don't know how to spell it. Her personality was just bland throughout the whole movie. She was just so boring. The only thing that only made her stand out was her dresses. They all looked so stupid. By this time around, I really thought that fashion designers would already know that those clothes are a big no-no. And especially the use of make-up, wash it off! Then near the end, we noticed that she was just hiding the real princess this whole time, who clearly can't act in this movie. And for some reason, in the prequels, she gets married to Anakin in part two, ten years later. So my is this: Why does she look older than him in the first episode?! It makes no sense. The next line of people in this abomination of a Star Wars movie is Anakin Skywalkder. For a few minutes of looking at him, I just all of a sudden started to feel out of place when I see him act. Then all of a sudden, I noticed that he was a acting like a really annoying little kid, only when he was speaking. He just shouted out almost everything he said. Its like I wanted to put a muzzle on him and send him facing at the corner of a room. I know he's suppose to be Darth Vader. But get over it. What's even more insulting was that he's in the front of the box art of this DVD. [IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc88/crazy_ruskie/star_wars_episode_one_the_phantom_m.jpg[/IMG] Quai Gan Jin, I just thought the producers just threw him in there. It didn't look as if he served any purpose, nor did I think that he had any effect with the series. I thought that his personality was pretty bland as well. Some think of him as the best actor in this movie, but from what I'm seeing from this movie, no one is the best at acting in this film. Maybe R2-D2. Obi-Wan was just okay. I thought that he needed to be beaten up with an ugly stick thought. He looked too cute for the girls. Not just that, but I thought that he was just rarely even in this movie. He didn't really stand out at all. Then we got Darth Sidius. I honestly thought that this guy just wasn't even in the making of this film. It looks as if they were only showing just a few clips off from episode 6 from a projector. Then theres Darth Mal. There really wasn't too much to say about him. He was also another who didn't stand out, even for the main villain. He didn't really do much at all. Not just that, but he didn't say anything. I heard some people call him the best actor for that one reason alone, but its not acting in any way. It just felt like watching a silent black and white film. It felt as if he didn't do anything till the end of the movie. Until he gets chopped in half. That scene I thought looked so cheap to my point of view. Then we save the worst for last Jar-Jar Binks. He is so bad, that there is nothing for me to say about him, nor do I think that anyone should say anything about him. He's not worthy to have any comments about him. There, shortest review of Jar-Jar. Then we got Yoda. When I first saw Yoda in episode 2, I was all like, "what happen to the muppet that they used in episode 1?" I was out of place due to the use of the CGI effects. But then when I first saw him fight, I was all like, "Oh yeah, he's a Jedi Master." I then found it reasonable and acceptable. The use of CGI in this film I thought was just too overboard. I like the effects and everything, but did the whole movie had to be CGI? Its just that it didn't really grab my imagination in any way. It felt as if I was just watching a cut scene for a video game, and it didn't look real at all. I thought that George Lucas just had too much fun with the CGI effects and abandon all of the stuff that he used from the original trilogy. The Story, I don't have any prior knowledge of it whatsoever. I had no idea what the whole point of it was about. The other thing that bothered me the most was that there was not that many battles taken place in space. When I first saw episode 4, I always wanted to go and fly in the Millenium Falcon and take down the Death Star. This movie however, there wasn't any of that for me. I felt as if they forgotten all of that. I did like the Sand people coming back in the Pod-racing thought. It was awesome to see them back though. I thought the Pod-Racing was okay, now when I look at it today. I still don't know why they call it "Pod-Racing" though. I thought the light-saber fight near the end was pretty cool. It did bring a new era of arts of being a Jedi Knight. The Music in this movie was pretty epic. John Williams is just amazing. He comes up with the best music you can ever listen to. My last and final complaint is this whole atmosphere this movie has. Its almost as if its based more into the future. This stuff to me looks more high tech than the X-wing from the original Trilogy. I can't understand whether or not if George Lucas even remembered that this was a prequel. Well anyway, in conclusion, this movie was and still is the worst of all in the series. There was not that much of a story in this movie, no one in this film was a good actor and George Lucas went overboard with the CGI effects. I still can't stop thinking about the poor souls who still think that this movie was good, I still can't stop thinking about the few Star Wars fans who think that this was a good movie, and I still can't stop thinking of the children. Please people, think of the children! They like Jar-Jar Binks. As a matter in fact, this whole entire movie was only based for kids, if you think about it. As you might already know, this movie is getting a very low score. 1/5 Nope, its not over yet, I still have to review Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones.


15 year(s) ago

Javie, dude... I know as a writer we all hate this, but.. PROOFREAD, son! If you're gonna review a movie at least look up Amidala's name on IMDB or something. Otherwise no one will read your whole spiel. Which would be a shame because I actually agree with most of the points you make about this movie. Darth Maul is in fact a boring, useless character. He's muscle and that's it. Not sure why people love him so much. Doesn't get any development whatsoever. But don't knock black and white silent movies. Charlie Chaplin and his ilk were great entertainers and their movies are mostly better than this crap. Then there's Yoda. Definitely destroyed by CGI. I understand he couldn't do what he was supposed to do as a puppet, but... he just didn't feel real, and he wasn't humorous and lovable like in Empire. There was a personality that Frank Oz gave that little puppet that made him an amicable 3D character. That's missing in the prequels. It's a shame this film has the Star Wars name attached. And don't get me started on Jake Lloyd. Brrr that kid....


15 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]Javie, dude... I know as a writer we all hate this, but.. PROOFREAD, son! If you're gonna review a movie at least look up Amidala's name on IMDB or something. Otherwise no one will read your whole spiel. Which would be a shame because I actually agree with most of the points you make about this movie.[/quote]I really meant to say that I didn't know how to spell Amidala's name. I only try to spell it out. that even goes for Darth Maul. [quote]Darth Maul is in fact a boring, useless character. He's muscle and that's it. Not sure why people love him so much. Doesn't get any development whatsoever. But don't knock black and white silent movies. Charlie Chaplin and his ilk were great entertainers and their movies are mostly better than this crap.[/quote]I like your improvement on that though. I should of said that it was more of a crappy Black and White movie when he shows up. [quote]Then there's Yoda. Definitely destroyed by CGI. I understand he couldn't do what he was supposed to do as a puppet, but... he just didn't feel real, and he wasn't humorous and lovable like in Empire. There was a personality that Frank Oz gave that little puppet that made him an amicable 3D character. That's missing in the prequels. [/quote]I'm glad you caught that. I truly did miss his sense of humor that we all saw in episode 5. And the CGI effects, as to what I said, ruined the whole movie. [quote]It's a shame this film has the Star Wars name attached. And don't get me started on Jake Lloyd. Brrr that kid....[/quote]Yup, him and everyone else in this movie just couldn't act at all. Next review: Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of Clones.


15 year(s) ago

i want to read, but again id get bored

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