
What is the foundation of your faith?


17 year(s) ago

A brother recently told me his answer, and I just want to see what others think. I'll post my answer after a few other people answer.


17 year(s) ago

Well, since I had an answer in mind before I posted, I'll just post it as it was in my mind- Sh'ma Yisra'el! Ad-nai Eloheinu, Ad-nai echad! Hear O Israel! The L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one! And you are to love the L-rd your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Deu 6, quoted as the most important commandment by Yeshua in Mark 12 That said, I don't really disagree with what y'all are saying.. But in trying to imagine the worship of G-d without the scriptures, I'm sure it would be a much different thing. It it through the scriptures that we know of His character, His mercy and lovingkindness, as well as His justness. Scripture tells us how to worship Him, how to honor Him, etc.. I can't disagree directly with the statements here, but we wouldn't know the first thing about Him, without scriptures, would we?


17 year(s) ago

I can't imagine worshiping God without the Blood of Christ making it possible to have a personal "one on one" relationsip with Him. The gift which of Christ, the risen Lord is so essential to our ability to worship Him! Amen! -Matt

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