
who killed jesus??


18 year(s) ago

who really killed jesus and how?


18 year(s) ago

I did... by every sin that i've made and will make... I am the reason ... And if it were only me.. he still would have laid down is life... so that i might live again.


18 year(s) ago

that is right charis each and everyone of us killed him. so now my question is why do we keep him on that cross rather than letting him down and cariing it for him?


18 year(s) ago

No one "killed" Jesus. He freely gave up His life for us on the cross. It was His decision and choice. Sure the Romans and Jews tried and accused Him but no one actually killed Him or took His life from Him. I hope this helped you understand a little better.B)


18 year(s) ago

Its fear.... when your young... its easy to let your mother or father help you.. but as you get older you have this nature to do things yourself... and figure through things wheather you struggle or not. To have faith like a child means so much... to trust like you would your father or mother... when you were young... You never had a care in the world because you knew that you would always be provided for. To let Christ off the cross.. we have to let me become Lord of our life... that means giving him control... and how many people are really that great at giving over control... i can tell you i'm not... and ever small ounce i hold... is just the same as holding it all. My walls are the reason that he isn't able to carry to get down off the cross We need to stop focusing on ourselves and make him our reason


18 year(s) ago

that is a very right answer. that is the truth. however it was actually for our sins that we may be saved. that is the point of this.


18 year(s) ago

Jesus said in John 10:18 No one can take my life from me. I lay down my life voluntarialy. For I have the right to lay it down when I want to and also the power to take it again. For my Father has given me this command.


18 year(s) ago

again, this is insanity. Some of you guys keep SAYING "we all killed Jesus", but all i can say is what the bible shows - ie that gentiles like us who are born 2000 years after CHrist was killed, did NOT kill Jesus. The poeple who killed him were the jews and the romans. which is what the BIBLE says / shows.


18 year(s) ago

[b]diduknow wrote:[/b] [quote]who really killed jesus and how?[/quote] Corrupt cops. Speaking of, Hey Jim, did you hear about Rage Against The Machine? They're getting back together for a benefit show, with new material, and there's talk of a new live CD. I figured you'd want to know, given your longstanding dedication to the liberation of our wrongfully imprisoned brother Mumia. I know what to get you for your next birthday! ;)


17 year(s) ago

Kind of off topic, but this article that I found on the internet (excuse my language) pisses me off and makes me mad! http://www.geocities.com/stevenedw/jesusdidntexist.html I just wanna yell at the people who created that site!

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