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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/xxchristianandlovinitxx
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Rachael Bruce
Rachael Bruce
People plz put new stuff on my wall! It is becoming Dull No offence, but looking at the samething over and over is annoying! :roll: :D
Mary-kate scolf
hey I jusorry I have not been on in a while my moms computer is broke
Lynzi Hufman
so whats up??? :?: :D
Rachael Bruce
Hey Lyzard I see you Wednesday or Thursday! There are horses right beside my grandparents house I have to take some pics. Luv Ya
Rachael Bruce
Hey Lyzard! Was up I know you are on :!: :!: :lol:
Rachael Bruce
ok never mind I wrong. lol sorry :D
Rachael Bruce
Love the new picture!!
Rachael Bruce
Fun only Lasts for a Minuet then it all flys away!
Rachael Bruce
Hey Lynzi! I wanted to say hi, and hows church going? What happened last night. Well TTYL. BYe! ~RaBbIt :D
Rachael Bruce
Awsome Micah. I left this to tell you I was on the conputer!! :lol: Ha Ha JK
Rachael Bruce
Words Don't Mean Anything... It Is Only How You Act.
Rachael Bruce
LOL Hey was up? Sorry I haven't been On for a while. I have been locked off my cxomputer by my dad. Well I leave for California tomorrow so I won't be on for a while ...(Again) Well LOL TTYL! Bye! :D
Rachael Bruce
P.S. Is that the turkey you where talking about on Wednesday. The like big one you know. TTYL!! :D
Rachael Bruce
Hey Lil Lyzard. Was up? I see you earsaed my other message :( Ohh Well.... Well I hope you even see this message and Acept my friend thingy. I am in Kansas City right now. I leave tomorrow for California. See you When I get back!! August 1st!! Well TTYL and see you at Friends When I get back. Say hi to Rachel for me!! :wink:

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